Is HST for me? Using HST to build muscle while rehabilitating injury


New Member
Hey everyone, I have been interested in HST for some time now and would like to start my first cycle in September, Im not sure if its the right program for someone like me though, ill give alittle background on myself first and will try to keep it short

I started bodybuilding when I was 16 years old a 5 11, 140 pound vegetarian. I did the usual bodybuilding split with Vince Delmonte's nutritional program and managed to get up to about 190 pounds or so with no visible fat gain. Then last summer I started doing big beyond belief, which was a 6 day split doing power movements every day. While doing this I tore a rotator cuff and herniated two disks in my lower back. I took a couple of weeks off and decided to keep lifting what I could while eating in a caloric surplus. I did this for about 6 months, training pretty much just back chest and arms and got to 220 pounds. With a huge beer gut. Then I cut most of the fat off and got to around 170 lbs, between 8-12%BF. (Six pack in the right lighting bodyfat range) my back was getting worse though so i decided to take a month or so away from the gym, and my diet got sloppy, and I have currently been doing bodyweight stuff along with a Pilates based physical therapy program. and my back feels much, much better.

I want to start put on some size in septmeber and I feel HST is perfect for me, because, frankly I could care less about strength.

Right now I am around 170 pounds, 14-18% bodyfat (Estimated)
My goal is 175-180 Pounds, 5-6% bodyfat

I have allot of questions though

As far as weighted squats go, I have not done them in over a year and a half, and feel as ive i am already very deconditioned from them. Instead of finding out ahead of time what my 15, 10 and 5RM's are, could I just start with the bar at day one of the 15 rep range and add 2.5 to 5 pounds each workout?

Also, for smaller muscle groups like biceps, if im doing the same workout every day does that mean If my 15RM is 30 pounds, I would be starting at 5 and go up or would it be better to have alternating exercises?

As far as nutrition goes I plan on starting Leangains intermittent fasting, ( (

if you don't know what it is, pretty much you concentrate your concentrate your calories in an 8 hour period, eating 60% of them post workout. On non workout days you eat significantly less calories.

As far as my workout goes I was thinking something like this

2x Squats
2x Incline DB bench
1x Flies/Cable crossovers
1x Chinups
1x Pullups
2x Chest supported row
1x Dumbell shoulder press
1x Rear Delt raises
1x Lateral raises
2x Shrugs
2x Decline Skullcrushers
2x Barbell or Dumbell curls
2x Calves

I guess what im asking is, If I do HST, instead of calculating my squats in advanced can I just progress with them like a begginer would while doing HST for the rest of my exercises?
Yes I don’t see any problem progressing from a low weight. As you progress I would try to hit your RM for each rep range at the end of that micro-cycle, assuming it doesn’t aggravate your injury. I’ve always been to lazy to determine RMs so whenever I add a new exercise I do it just as you describe but usually increment the weight more quickly at the beginning to get it caught up with the other exercises so it becomes more effective.