Is it okay to play basketball on off days of HST?


New Member
Is it okay to play basketball on off days (non workout days) of HST? i play basketball on tuesday and thursday and i lift weights MWF. is it bad to play basketball? because i guess its not a light cardio. please answer thank you sorry for my noobness
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It all depends on your recovery ability. Obviously the longer and harder you play will have an affect on how you recover. light shooting around and such is fine, but going all out isn't warranted if you want to have fresher legs for your workouts. Good Luck
It all depends on your recovery ability. Obviously the longer and harder you play will have an affect on how you recover. light shooting around and such is fine, but going all out isn't warranted if you want to have fresher legs for your workouts. Good Luck

ahh okay i think i can recover just fine plus i dont go all out in playing. thanks for the advice! great help! :)
Well you will want to keep an eye on several factors to ensure that you aren't compromising your recovery. How well you think you recovery isn't relevant. How well you actually are recovering is. If you find that you have no energy in the gym, you are tired but cannot sleep adequately at night, your strength is reduced, immune system drops to the point where you are getting sick frequently or more severely than usual - those are all signs that you are not getting adequate rest.

Here is what you can do:
Sleep ten hours a night - heavy activity increases the amount of sleep you need, for normal people who require eight hours, the need goes up to closer to ten hours, perhaps more on some days if you really push yourself
Adequately hydrate yourself - get enough water throughout the day
Vitamin supplementation - the minimum vitamin supplementation you should be getting is six fish oil caps a day, potassium, magnesium, zinc and a multi. Add in calcium and vitamin d if possible. These are the minimums. Fish oil is a requirement. You will get six caps a day or I will find you. Potassium will help keep you from getting muscle cramps and spasms, which will happen to you otherwise. Zinc keeps the immune system up since heavy activity compromises it. Magnesium helps you sleep. These vitamins have other functions which are beneficial as well, of course, but these are the most tangible benefits that you will notice once you start taking them on a daily basis.
EAT - You need to eat enough food - for all this activity, you will want a minimum of 18 x your bodyweight in calories. If you weigh 200 lbs, that means 3600 calories a day. Every day. You will not be allowed to go to bed until you have gotten that many calories.
PROTEIN - I recommend you consume this many grams of protein per day: 2 x lean mass. So if you are 200 lbs at 10% bodyfat, you have 180 lbs of lean mass, so you will consume 360 grams of protein a day. You don't need that much normally but if you are doing a lot of heavy activity, then protein needs go up. Remember that everything in the body, every single reaction is all driven by proteins.
Well you will want to keep an eye on several factors to ensure that you aren't compromising your recovery. How well you think you recovery isn't relevant. How well you actually are recovering is. If you find that you have no energy in the gym, you are tired but cannot sleep adequately at night, your strength is reduced, immune system drops to the point where you are getting sick frequently or more severely than usual - those are all signs that you are not getting adequate rest.

Here is what you can do:
Sleep ten hours a night - heavy activity increases the amount of sleep you need, for normal people who require eight hours, the need goes up to closer to ten hours, perhaps more on some days if you really push yourself
Adequately hydrate yourself - get enough water throughout the day
Vitamin supplementation - the minimum vitamin supplementation you should be getting is six fish oil caps a day, potassium, magnesium, zinc and a multi. Add in calcium and vitamin d if possible. These are the minimums. Fish oil is a requirement. You will get six caps a day or I will find you. Potassium will help keep you from getting muscle cramps and spasms, which will happen to you otherwise. Zinc keeps the immune system up since heavy activity compromises it. Magnesium helps you sleep. These vitamins have other functions which are beneficial as well, of course, but these are the most tangible benefits that you will notice once you start taking them on a daily basis.
EAT - You need to eat enough food - for all this activity, you will want a minimum of 18 x your bodyweight in calories. If you weigh 200 lbs, that means 3600 calories a day. Every day. You will not be allowed to go to bed until you have gotten that many calories.
PROTEIN - I recommend you consume this many grams of protein per day: 2 x lean mass. So if you are 200 lbs at 10% bodyfat, you have 180 lbs of lean mass, so you will consume 360 grams of protein a day. You don't need that much normally but if you are doing a lot of heavy activity, then protein needs go up. Remember that everything in the body, every single reaction is all driven by proteins.

thanks a lot sir! very helpful!