Is it possible to not gain muscle while HST'ing but improving strength?


New Member
I feel fat... granted... i've been basically doing GOMAD... not really a gallon but a TON of milk cartons and eating a bunch of carbs to bulk before I cut in December hopefully enough for when i go home in january >.>

I use to only bench 185lbs 9x now i can do 200lbs 10x. :o

My thighs are fat... noticebly tighter in my pants and i hardly workout legs soooo thats kinda a given.
My waist still fits in my pants with room. Can't wait til the end of next month so i can cut carbs(except carbup for like 24hrs once a week)

I can see the outline of my abs but I dont have a muffin top like i did last time i bulked.
If your gaining strength, your gaining muscle. Your body can only generate so much muscle at once regardless of what your taking. So what you need to do is find how much you need to eat (calories; protein, fat and carbs) to get the most optimal muscle gains. While not over eating to the point that your bodyfat is increasing just as fast. Because if it does your fat gains will hide any visible lean gains in the process. Which is what i presume may be happening to you at the moment.
Hard to judge if you haven't been tracking skinfolds. But pretty much it is very difficult to gain that much strength in such a short period without increasing muscle fiber cross sectional area. Enhancements to neural coordination will only carry you so far and it takes a lot longer to gain strength that way.
Depends on what you mean by significant. Using a RFL diet, you could probably lose a little over 5 lbs of fat, maybe closer to 10 lbs if you are lucky and do everything perfectly. Using a standard diet, you could probably lose a little less than 5 lbs of fat.
RFL at your bodyfat % would be 12 days long... not just no carbs but no fats too. Protein only. After 12 days do a 2 day carb up and then repeat if necessary if you still need to drop fat. There is a bit more to it than that, but that is the gist of it.
tuna, some other fish, very lean ground beef, fat free cheese, egg whites, chicken breasts where you cut away the fat before you eat it, etc...

probably not a very feasible diet for you since you don't prepare your own meals
Umm those will all have some amount of fat in there...

Ex: fish has omega fats(3 i believe?)

thats pretty much what my diet was gonna consist of

Chicken(only baked or grilled)
Tuna fish
Other fish they serve(except fried)
hamburger(no bun)
hotdog(no bun)
turkey bacon

the only thing that I was gonna eat that wouldnt be allowed is cheese and bacon(i can sub for turkey bacon).

and zero carb protein shakes(with water)
Well yeah, obviously they have a little bit of fat in them. You accept a tiny bit of tag along fats and carbs in order to do the diet. But fat intake of less than 20 grams and carb intake around the same level are pretty much nothing. There are some fish you can get that have only around 1 g of fat per serving and 0 carbs though, and you can get lean meats that only have 4g of fat per serving or less. Other than that, the protein powders as long as they are sensible ones (isolates, for example) will bring up your protein count. You'll need to get 1.5 - 2 x pounds of lean mass in protein each day. So if you have 200 lbs of lean mass, you have to get 300 - 400 grams of protein a day.
whats the workout lyle suggests while doing this? I was planning on lifting m, w, f(right now i lift every other day)

my 8RM for 3 sets working up over the course of 2 weeks like hst... then maybe 5's
Basically just 2-3 sets for around 5-8 reps with around your 5-8 RM, twice a week, the rest of the week focusing more on cardio.
I did some research and it says lyle doesnt recommend cardio because you'll be at such a caloric deficit already... it suggests a brisk walk. Have you done it before? You look pretty jacked from ya profile pic

ahhhhhhhh i feel soooo fat... only 2 more weeks @.@

EDIT: Whats the % of a weight you should be lifting minimum? I forget... is it 75 or 85?
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For me to keep carb under 20g i'd have to cut out beef jerkey and protein shakes... I'm gonna start tomorrow...
Breakfast: eggs+cheese+bacon+sausage

Lunch: w/e they have... if nothing good they have cut up chicken breast and tuna at the salad bar. So i'll have that with mayo/mustard and cheese.

dinner: more tuna/chicken


I gon be sad panda...

my jerkey has 3g of carbs per serving the whey has 3 and the casein has 6.

I did some research and it says lyle doesnt recommend cardio because you'll be at such a caloric deficit already... it suggests a brisk walk. Have you done it before? You look pretty jacked from ya profile pic

ahhhhhhhh i feel soooo fat... only 2 more weeks @.@

EDIT: Whats the % of a weight you should be lifting minimum? I forget... is it 75 or 85?

I've done it before with success. It's kind of hellish but you get the dieting over with a lot faster. I lifted with my 8 RM twice a week. Lyle says you don't need cardio but if you do his stubborn fat protocol 2-3 times a week, it enhances the diet considerably in my opinion. Depends on if you can handle it though. If you get burned out then it won't do you much good so you have to kind of judge for yourself.
I would keep the protein shakes but if you can get whey isolate then it has almost no carbs. You'll have to settle for having more fats in your diet since I'm sure you can't get fat free cheese or lean meats. Ideally breakfast would be something like an omelet made from egg whites, fat free cheese and some kind of poultry, but you'll have to make do with what they give you there. Your meal plan looks solid enough. Since you'll have to have more carbs and fats than is ideal, I think you'll definitely want to do the cardio.

Have you read about the stubborn fat protocol yet?
Uhhh no... i read his CKD article.

I looked at the nutrition label for the deli meats in the dfac and the turkey slices have like 6grams of carb per serving O.O

imitation crab had like 16 O.O.

I think imma have 4 scoops of casein a day(24 carbs, fiber according to the label), the breakfast listed above and take 2 boiled eggs +mayo/mustard for a couple hours later then a tuna packet for dinner. then a bunch of tuna/cheese/mustard/mayo when i first get to work.

I could try to take more boiled eggs like a baws... but then i'd need two to go trays and i'd look like a fatty mcfat fat