Is lack of sleep more detrimental


New Member
Is lack of sleep more detrimental to your actual workout or your workout recovery?

I know that sleeping is huge for recovery, but does it effect your actual workout in other ways than limiting the amount of reps i can do?

For instance, i hardly had any sleep last night, but today i was on my second day of 15's, and thus the weights i used were not too heavy. I was still able to do as many reps as i neede to do. So the lack of sleep from last night didnt hurt my workout in that sense. But will the lack of sleep from yesterday effect me in another way?
I remember reading that your body can easily cope if you only get a little sleep once in a while. It cannot cope with lack of sleep over several days, this is when you will begin to notice your performance dropping (growth may stop before this!).

However, sleep patterns can adapt over time, i.e. your body could adapt to 7hrs instead of 8hrs. This is because most people sleep for longer than their body actually needs. I can't remember the exact figure now that the body actually needed but I think it was about 4-5hrs for a "normal person" under normal conditions. However we are not "normal" as we are pushing our bodies to their limits in order to grow, so we will probably need more than this. You wouldn't want to under eat and you shouldn't under sleep either as it will slow your progress.
I have read the same information as stated by Ben and I believe that the minimum amount for the long term is six hours. Less than that can have some very serious side effects like hallucinations and such.

What I notice when I have a lack of sleep is a reduced level of concentration and motivation. Both are killers to your workout of course.

Complex lifts with a lot of technique such as squat or deadlift are greatly impacted. It is easy to fall into poor form and much harder to muster the mind muscle link for me.

Even a day or two with a lack of sleep tends to leave me drained and I need extra recovery from my workouts as well. These are the rare weeks that I find myself sleeping for ten hours on a Saturday as my body plays catch up.