Is my HST program okay??


New Member
Hi guys,I'm sorry if this thread is a bit generic but I've posted on my regular bodybuilding forum and got no replies so I have to try here.This is what I came up with.'m worried a bit about the zigzagging for squats, will it be okay?Also does the amount of sets stay the same for 10reps and 5 reps?Thanks!
Welcome to the forum. Before answering your questions I really need to ask you a few.

What are your goals right now (add as much muscle mass as possible or something more specific)?

What is your lifting experience?

I ask because even though the basic template is good it’s better to tailor things more to your specific needs especially if you are already an experienced lifter.

I can say that zigzagging isn’t a problem if you properly follow the HST principles and do your Strategic Deconditioning.

Most people try to keep the volume close to the same throughout a cycle so often you will see 1x15, 2x10 and 3x5. Others prefer to add more and go with 2x15, 3x10 and 5x5. This really depends a lot on your level of conditioning or how long and successfully you’ve already been lifting. The more experience you are the more volume you are likely to need to grow.

Also depending on your goal you might want to change a few of the exercises but it’s hard to comment on without knowing what you want out of it right now.
Welcome to the forum. Before answering your questions I really need to ask you a few. What are your goals right now (add as much muscle mass as possible or something more specific)? What is your lifting experience? I ask because even though the basic template is good it’s better to tailor things more to your specific needs especially if you are already an experienced lifter. I can say that zigzagging isn’t a problem if you properly follow the HST principles and do your Strategic Deconditioning. Most people try to keep the volume close to the same throughout a cycle so often you will see 1x15, 2x10 and 3x5. Others prefer to add more and go with 2x15, 3x10 and 5x5. This really depends a lot on your level of conditioning or how long and successfully you’ve already been lifting. The more experience you are the more volume you are likely to need to grow. Also depending on your goal you might want to change a few of the exercises but it’s hard to comment on without knowing what you want out of it right now.
Thanks man. Just mainly muscle mass - prior I've been lifting for 3-4 months for starting strength and now I want to get big(ger) for summer So if I'm doing 2x15 for some exercises would it be okay to do 2x10 -> 3x15? If I do any more it won't be on par with my rep maxes because I assumed that the amount of sets stays the same. I did SD for about 11 days and started my first day yesterday and it's going pretty good so far. I've got some very slight DOM so I think all is well. Is it okay if I play basketball on rest days? I don't do any training exercises but I do a bit of running and and ocasionally jumping. Thanks!
First if you goal is to build muscle mass I would consider one change to your routine. Either drop the leg curls and add in Sumo Deadlifts (they will also hit the hamstrings) and Deadlifts are IMO the best of all mass building exercises, even better than Squats. Or if you think Deadlifting and Squating is too much for one workout then alternate between Squats and Deadlifts. Really it would be fine if you didn’t Deadlift this cycle as long as you do Squat but the sooner you add them in the sooner you will get the benefits of them.

Yes if doing 2x15 you can move to 2x10 and 3x5, however don’t be surprised if when you get to the very end of the 5s if 2x5 is all you can manage. It’s ok to let the volume drop once the weights get really heavy especially since you’re going to be working out 3 times a week. Just listen to your body and if you feel you’re not recovering between workouts cut back a little bit.

It’s fine and probably beneficial for recovery to do something like basketball on rest days as long as you don’t overdo it. Also remember to keep you calories up to account for the extra work. I find that doing hill sprints gives me a great cardio workout and also helps my lower body recover from intense workouts.
First if you goal is to build muscle mass I would consider one change to your routine. Either drop the leg curls and add in Sumo Deadlifts (they will also hit the hamstrings) and Deadlifts are IMO the best of all mass building exercises, even better than Squats. Or if you think Deadlifting and Squating is too much for one workout then alternate between Squats and Deadlifts. Really it would be fine if you didn’t Deadlift this cycle as long as you do Squat but the sooner you add them in the sooner you will get the benefits of them. Yes if doing 2x15 you can move to 2x10 and 3x5, however don’t be surprised if when you get to the very end of the 5s if 2x5 is all you can manage. It’s ok to let the volume drop once the weights get really heavy especially since you’re going to be working out 3 times a week. Just listen to your body and if you feel you’re not recovering between workouts cut back a little bit. It’s fine and probably beneficial for recovery to do something like basketball on rest days as long as you don’t overdo it. Also remember to keep you calories up to account for the extra work. I find that doing hill sprints gives me a great cardio workout and also helps my lower body recover from intense workouts.
Hey thanks man I don't mind doing squats and deadlifts (they have to be sumo right?) but how can I find out my maxes now that I've already started HST? Can I just use the same weights I have for squats? Thanks!
Hello mate, I could'nt quite tell from your spreadsheet if you were including the weight of the bar when writing down how much to lift each session.

You should add the weight of the bar to the weight of the plates to get a total weight lifted.

Apologies if you are already doing that. lol
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Sorry for not getting back to you sooner but I left for Saint Croix the say you posted and just got back.

If you haven’t been doing Deadlifts then using your squat weights will be fine to start out with. If you find that it’s too light you can increment the weight a little faster.

They don’t have to be sumo. Conventional Deadlifts will probably give you more overall hypertrophy especially in your quads and back because of muscles involved and greater range of motion. Sumo Deadlifts will hit your hamstrings more if done properly and eliminate the need for SLDLs or Leg Curls.