Is there an HST book?

Yeah... kinda... maybe... sometime in the future?
Print out the FAQs and stuff them in a binder. Very handy if not quite what you were hoping for.

Bryan is a busy guy but he hasn't forgotten about the book and has said that it is nearly done but that he needs to check all the references and studies sited etc.

We are all waiting patiently...
(Lol @ Jun. 04 2007,20:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">We are all waiting patiently...</div>
Very patiently....

[taps fingers...]

So very patiently...
Do a search for PIMP my hst e book.

Print it a bomb proof case and put the info inside...its priceless...and it and awesome read by JULES...I bumped the thread a while back but not sure if its still on the server.

It has a lot of answers...until the LONG OVERDUE book comes out!
Well, someone did put the FAQs into a pdf file. I'm not sure where that file is though. I might have it on my hard drive somewhere.
sorry to revive this hehe but i thought the Pimp my HST e-book was like online for people to buy! is it? or is it free???

(the_dark_master @ Sep. 29 2007,10:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It's here...</div>
Excellent! Thank you.

I hadn't seen this one. [big smile...]
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I hadn't seen this one. [big smile...] </div>

Wow, it's a great read for anyone!
It's good to know about the techniques mentioned in the book. Just be careful if you try some of the more advanced loading techniques mentioned by Jules. It is very easy to cause an injury with heavy loads and pulse stretches for example.