Is there life after 5('s)?


New Member
I'm on my first HST cycle. It's going well. I'm about to finish my 10's.

Once I finish the first two weeks of 5's, let's say I max out at 100lbs on any given I just keep lifting the 100 lbs, adding more if I need to add more to max out at 5 reps?

I don't really want to do negs because I don't have a partner.

Can you clarify, someone, what should be done during those last two weeks before SD?
The options are limitless...well not limitless, but here are a few good ones:

Continue to lift your 5RM for another 2 weeks (add weight if you can)

Go to 3reps (5x3 if you were doing 3x5), allows you to lift a little higher, up to your 3RM.

Use Max-stim style single-rep lifting, to 15-20reps, taking longer "m-time" the heavier you get. Conceivable to get close to your 1RM with big m-times and low target reps.

Do negs on lifts like dips, chins (where you can use your legs to push yourself up), and do single arm/leg on shoulder press, lying row, leg press etc (2 arms up, 1 arm down).

Continuing to use your 5RM is the simplist...
I went with the method of continuing the 5's and adding weight as I could. The last two weeks I grew like crazy and my strength gains continued.

Just remember to eat enough.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Just remember to eat enough. </div>

I think we have a winner!

(Winner winner chicken dinner)