Is this HST routine ok?


New Member
I just finished finding my 15,10,5 rep maxes and took 9 days off. I was going to start the routine below but I'm wondering if it's too much so I came up with a second routine below it.

Squat or Deadlift (alternate each session)
Flat Bench
BB Rows
Overhead Press
Close grip bench
BB curls
Leg curl
Calf Raises

New routine: alternate A,B,A and B,A,B weekly

Routine A:
Flat Bench
BB Rows
Overhead Press
Close grip bench
BB curls
Leg curls
Calf Raises

Routine B:
Overhead Press
Close grip bench
BB curls
Leg curls
Calf Raises

Also, I can only do one set of 15 bodyweight chin-ups, would it be ok to do just 10 reps during the 1x15 week so I can add weight each session. Basically I would do 1x10 on chin-ups and 1x15 for everything else the first two weeks.
I can’t claim to be an HST expert but it looks solid to me.

Not sure if that’s also the order of your exercises but if it is you might want to swap the BB Curls and Close Grip Bench around in each workout to give your pushing muscles a break between exercises unless you are planning to superset the pairs of push/pulls listed.

You may find as things progress that will be a lot of exercises for one session. If that happens you could consider doing an AM/PM split or even dropping some of the isolation work toward the end, but I would go by how it feels to you and if you are gaining or loosing strength.

Good luck.
I just finished finding my 15,10,5 rep maxes and took 9 days off. I was going to start the routine below but I'm wondering if it's too much so I came up with a second routine below it.

Squat or Deadlift (alternate each session)
Flat Bench
BB Rows
Overhead Press
Close grip bench
BB curls
Leg curl
Calf Raises

New routine: alternate A,B,A and B,A,B weekly

Routine A:
Flat Bench
BB Rows
Overhead Press
Close grip bench
BB curls
Leg curls
Calf Raises

Routine B:
Overhead Press
Close grip bench
BB curls
Leg curls
Calf Raises

Also, I can only do one set of 15 bodyweight chin-ups, would it be ok to do just 10 reps during the 1x15 week so I can add weight each session. Basically I would do 1x10 on chin-ups and 1x15 for everything else the first two weeks.

Looks good!

You could do that with the 10 rep chinups. Or you could cluster reps til you reach the total reps. Or maybe start the 15s with assistance at first, graduating to no assistance mid way, then try +5 lbs towards the end. Resistance tubes are really cheap and great for providing assistance on chins/pullups.