Is this ok for first time?


New Member
Im not new to working out but I am new to HST, I was previously doing strength training but now im focusing on gaining size. Im attempting my first HST cycle and am wondering if this is ok. Ive already read a ton and think this is a decent HST cycle for me.

Will be doing the standard 15-10-5 rep scheme showed in the sticky.

Monday- squats, bench, military press, close grip bench, bent over rows

tues- light work just tricep pushdowns and hammer curls

Wednesday - Switch Squats with deadlifts and keep the rest the same

thurs - same as Tuesday

friday - Same as monday

Is this alright for my first cycle? Also I was wondering if its ok to do 2 sets on the 15's instead of just 1?
Welcome Adobio!

Looks pretty good.

I'd alternate bench with dips and chins with rows. I'd also hold the close grip bench over to your 'arm' days and alternate it with pushdowns.

I see no problem in doing 2 sets in the 15s especially on an abbreviated routine like the one you have here. If it gets a bit much during the second week, just drop down to one set of 15 and then however many reps you fancy for your second set.
Looks good to me as well.  I would just mention that with working out 5 days/week, especially if you are not used to that frequency, that you stick to "light" work on the arm days and don't get caught up in full blast arm routine that may hamper your main 3 workouts.  Also, I agree with Lol with alternating dips and chins unless you have some pain that prevents you from doing either of those exercises.

If you want to consolidate a little more, you may consider just throwing in some light arm work at the end of your core routine so you have more days to rest.  I would recommend keeping with the HST principles for all the exercises inlcuding the arm work.
Welcome Adobio

Workout looks good, Lol's opinion as usual is the way I'd go as well.

The only other recommendation is that you eat quite a bit in order to accomodate the highish frequency chosen...should be just fine if you do.
Your routine looks fine to me. Just wondering, would you do squats twice per week, DLs once, or would you do dls twice the second week, and squats once?

Also, you might consider "arm day" once per week, on Saturday as the weights increase, to aid recovery.
The second link shows an assisted chest dip, ok to start with but after you can do BW alone, then you should start adding weight and then you need the straight bar dip, don't know if you can use the assiat machine and still load weights on your side?
(soflsun @ Sep. 13 2007,06:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you want to consolidate a little more, you may consider just throwing in some light arm work at the end of your core routine so you have more days to rest.  I would recommend keeping with the HST principles for all the exercises inlcuding the arm work.</div>
i would agree with this,unless there is some reason you want arms done sepperately.
Right now I'm in my 6th week of my first true HST cycle.. I also considered doing what the OP listed but decided to do this..
Monday: fullbody
Wednesday: fullbody
Friday: Lower
Saturday: Upper

I've found for me.. I can add in the additional work on fridays for legs and then do the same on saturday for arms, traps rear delts etc.. Since the smaller muscles don't really need the addtional stimulation due to work they're already getting from the compounds.. it's a great way to throw them in without over-doing it..

If you're like me and feel compelled to do the additional isolations on arms, traps, calfs, rear delts, etc.... this might work for you as well..