Italian Marathon

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I finished the Marathon in Northern Italy on Sunday and it was a good start for the summer race season ( 62,5 kilometers, 2000 Altitude meters).

However, I must drop another 5 kilos Fat.

That means a change in my HST plans.

In other words I gotta go Cutting.

My HST plan:

2 consecutive HST cycle, no 5´s, no SD, Full body, 5x a week
2x 15
3 x 10


Full Squat
Overhead Press
Bent Row


Full Squat
Inc. DB Press
PowerCleans with Overhead press


I attached the Heart Rate versus Altitude over Distance for my marathon.
Check it out: Red is pulse, Green is altitude, Black is average Pulse. the red lines look spikey due to the fact that a pulse was taken every 15s and there is a lot of data. if one zooms in one would see a much smoother line.

the altitude is on the right and is marked with a 1000, but the top is 1500 meters.
the x axis is distance, the y axis ( left ) is pulse.
Dr. Debs

Great stuff, personally the heart rate is too much for me, but you are used to it, so kudus, well done!

How did you place by the way?

You plan looks fine, just one thing why ditch the 5's, muscle gain = fat loos at least in my dictionary.


Placing is not improtant for me. I am 40 and don´t take performance enhancing drugs anyway so it would be hard for me to place above 30% anyway.

I am never first and never last.

I thought for cutting 5´s were left out.

I believe you will actually maintain more muscle mass while cutting if you keep the weights heavy but do less training. I'd maybe do an additional week of 5s rather than drop them, but perhaps drop the higher rep stuff. Just keep the volume relatively low and don't expect to increase the load much (if at all) while cutting.
As was stated, you need the lower rep ranges/heavier weights while cutting, unless you want to lose more lean mass than you would otherwise. Heavier weights spare lean mass better than lighter weights. The whole 'high reps for toning/low reps for bulking' myth is just that.
okay low reps high poundage.

Should I do a few cycles of 5 x 5´s or do a normal HST cycle or a HST cyle without the 15´s?

Thanks for the support, I tought I was on the right track, more muscle mass is indeed = more fat loss.

Besides the fact that, as Tot put it, the higher rep ranges alone may end up not being benefitial.
Personally, I would not cut calories on 15 rep ranges, so you could either skip the 15s or stay at maintenance calorie intake until you get to the 10s. In general, you want at least one heavy workout (think 5 rep range) a week to spare lean mass, though more doesn't hurt.

Also, when cutting, you may need to scale back the volume - that's fine. Frequency is more important during a cut than volume, so keep that in mind.
HOw bout just doing 2 8 week cycles of 5´s.

say 3 x 5 x 5RM ( increasing 2.5 kilogram every two weeks?
Thanks. Wow! I just got back from my first day training after a 2 week SD.
I feel friggin great and my strength is really up.

for my cutting I am doing the following for 8 weeks and then see what happens afterwards with the weight. Never to failure!!!!!!

MTWTF each exercise 3 sets 5 reps.
5 minute warmup with jump rope.
Sat and Sun no weights

all with 5RM minus 20%. Every week I will go up 2.5 kilograms

Bent row
Overhead Standing press
Dips (body weight)
Chis (body weight)

I did this today and my body feel great. New feeling of youth and vigor.

Cheers ,
