I've completed my 1st HST cycle


New Member
I've just completed my 1st HST cycle. I did a pretty much vanilla version - 2 wks each of (sets x reps) 2x15, 2x10, 3x5, and 2 wks of post 5s doing 5x3. I didn't miss a single workout (a 1st for me) until the end. Due to shoulder and elbow joint pain, I stopped after the 5th 5x3 session. I also found that I was having trouble recovering during the 5x3s. So I started my SD sooner than planned.

Objective results:
(I started the program on 16 Sept 2007, but didn't think of taking measurements until 23 Sept 2007)

HEIGHT: 66.00 inches
Wrist: 6.75 inches
Ankle: 8.25 inches

23 Sept 2007 11 NOV 2007
WEIGHT: 164.00 lbs. 167.70 lbs
Chest: 44.00 44.25
WAIST: 37.50 38.00 (OOps! How dat happen?)

Biceps: L 14.25 14.50
R 13.75 14.00

Forearms: L 11.125 11.375
R 11.625 11.625
Neck: 16.00 16.25
Thighs: L 21.00 21.75
R 20.75 21.375
Calves: L 14.25 14.00 **
R 13.75 13.50

A couple of observations on the measurements:
Even though I'm right handed, except for forearms, my right arm and leg are smaller than my left. Anybody else with that problem? Can it be corrected?

** My already non-existent calves got even smaller! I didn't do any direct calf work, but I didn't expect a decrease in size. Maybe my original measurements
were off, but I don't think so.

Subjective results:
The mirror says I've got additional mass in the shoulder, trap, upper back, and chest area.
People have made comments like: "You've gained weight." "You pumping iron?" "What the f*ck have you been doing?"

Overall comments:
I'm pretty happy with the results, except for the calves and the waist. I didn't do any direct arm work and still put a 1/4 inch on each arm. On 14 inch arms that's actually a noticable increase, believe it or not. However, next cycle I'm adding in some curls because my bi's are disproportionally smaller than my tri's.

I've decided that 5x3 (increasing weight each W/O) is too much for my old joints. In the future I'm not going any heavier than my 5 RM. I stopped vertical pulls (chins, pull ups, pull downs, etc) after the 1st week of 15's due to deep bicep pain in my right arm. Also had some shoulder discomfort. I added vertical pulls back in during the 5x3's and developed some real shoulder pain and tinglng in my right hand, especially the little finger. Next cycle I'm leaving out any vertical pulls. I'm thinking about substituting Nautilus Machine pullovers. Any thoughts on that?

As far as diet goes, I seriously cut back or eliminated candy, desserts, ice cream, potato chips, etc. and increased protein, fruits, and vegetables. I supplemented with whey protein once a day on non-workout days and 2 to 3 times a day on workout days. I also took 5grams of creatine daily - 1st thing in the morning on non-workout days and immediatley after workouts. I didn't really count calories or the ratios of proteins, fats and carbs. The next cycle I'm going to get more into of the nuts and bolts of diet and see what happens.

Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
(EL_VIEJO @ Nov. 10 2007,10:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">23 Sept 2007 11 NOV 2007
WEIGHT: 164.00 lbs. 167.70 lbs</div>
At first glance, you've done everything right. Keep it up.

Upon further thought, I think you could have grown even more but perhaps also gotten fatter as well. So I think you'd do well to look at the diet details. Within the context, 4lbs is almost inconsequential. You've changed multiple things at once. Simply supplementing with creatine can account for that mass because of the greater water intake. 1l is 1kg(2.2lbs). Check back after the second and third cycle. See if you're growing further than the first.

Nevertheless, I'm sure you are encouraged by the results.
I have similar trouble w/ vertical pulls, except my pain orginates from the right elbow/forearm. I still throw them in every once in a while...haven't really found anything that feels like a substitute, but I am able to perform most rowing motions. At least my back gets something (other than deads).

just to throw my two cents in, after I got used to my program &amp; movements, the weights started to increase. that's the point at which I noticed an increased muscularity (which I've mainly noticed in my shoulders and quads/glutes).

your shoulder discomfort is concerning. My injurious past makes me paranoid.

will you be continuing your creatine supplementation?
(Martin Levac @ Nov. 10 2007,12:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Nevertheless, I'm sure you are encouraged by the results.</div>
I'm very happy with the results, especially since someone I know told me that a guy my age (55) couldn't gain muscle mass.
(fearfactory @ Nov. 10 2007,12:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have similar trouble w/ vertical pulls, except my pain orginates from the right elbow/forearm. I still throw them in every once in a while...haven't really found anything that feels like a substitute, but I am able to perform most rowing motions. At least my back gets something (other than deads).

just to throw my two cents in, after I got used to my program &amp; movements, the weights started to increase. that's the point at which I noticed an increased muscularity (which I've mainly noticed in my shoulders and quads/glutes).

your shoulder discomfort is concerning. My injurious past makes me paranoid.

will you be continuing your creatine supplementation?</div>
I don't have any problem with bent over rows or seated cable rows. So, between those and dead lifts, my back is getting hit. I'm going to try Nautilus pullovers next cycle and see if those cause any problems. I used to do them years ago. It's one of the few machines I liked.

I'm going to continue the creatine my next cycle, but I have a question: Should I take it during my SD or stop? I'm going to SD for about 18 days.
Another thing to bear in mind is that any joint discomfort caused from lifting heavy will take a while to heal/diminish because it takes the body a fair old time to lay down new collagen in connective tissue. But it will heal if given time to do so. You might very well be able to add back in exercises that cause you discomfort right now once the area has toughened up a bit. Sometimes you need to change the way you perform an exercise.

A few of my experiences:

My hip joints took a real beating from SLDLs on my first couple of cycles. They were really painful when I tried to crouch down. I changed the depth of the exercise and over a few more cycles the pain went away. I haven't had the problem again.

My wrists became extremely sore after starting front squats and power cleans. Two cycles on and they are fine again and now much tougher.

My grippers used to make my hands really sore but now they have toughened up and I get very little finger joint pain.

Right now I have a forearm issue that is taking forever to completely heal because I keep pulling it again. It is slowly improving but I have had to switch to some upper-body movements where a parallel grip is used in preference to a pronated or supinated grip.

I think it's a good idea not to push past your 5RMs unless you feel your body is up to it again. Doing multiple sets of 3 reps with your 5RM should be a really tough workout and will be heavy enough to trigger growth for plenty long enough.

I have always heard good things about the Nautilus pullover machine. It looks like a great movement. I expect negs are possible using it too (where you use both arms to raise the load and one arm to lower it).

I always have a break from creatine during SD, not for any scientific reason, but just so I'm not taking it all year round.
(EL_VIEJO @ Nov. 10 2007,16:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Martin Levac @ Nov. 10 2007,12:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Nevertheless, I'm sure you are encouraged by the results.</div>
I'm very happy with the results, especially since someone I know told me that a guy my age (55) couldn't gain muscle mass.</div>
We all know at least one idiot!
(Lol @ Nov. 10 2007,22:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have always heard good things about the Nautilus pullover machine. It looks like a great movement. I expect negs are possible using it too (where you use both arms to raise the load and one arm to lower it).</div>
There is a bar that you push with your feet to bring the pads down. So it's well suited to negatives. However, I think I'll stay away from negatives - at least for the next cycle.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I always have a break from creatine during SD, not for any scientific reason, but just so I'm not taking it all year round.</div>
I was thinking along the same lines - just to take a break from it. . So, do you continue to take protein powder during an SD? I was going to continue taking it in the morning since my morning protein shake is the main part of my breakfast. (I'm always in a rush in the morning.)
El viejo

You're on your way to becoming el nuevo
all over again, or should I say el gringo

To me you've done pretty much the right thing, as Lol says us older guys sometimes have issues with joints and &quot;hinges&quot;, make sure you take you flax seed oil, one to two table spoons daily or 1000 to 2000 mg daily (that is all 3 omega EFA's, 3 6 and 9), there is also some other stuff good for cartilage (I'll look it up).

Either than that, you pretty much evened out IMO, all other catching up right to left of left to right will also happen.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm very happy with the results, especially since someone I know told me that a guy my age (55) couldn't gain muscle mass.</div>

O &amp; G's right, common misconception all round, a guy your age according to many people is supposed to start preparing to be imobile and devcelop all kinds of old age ailments (lot of crap if you aske me).

Tell that someone to go read Jon Benson's Fitover Forty (Excellent book for these misguided people).

Cheers...and keep it up, pay attention to those 15's for next cyle, they also help with joint pain management!
(EL_VIEJO @ Nov. 12 2007,10:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Lol @ Nov. 10 2007,22:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I always have a break from creatine during SD, not for any scientific reason, but just so I'm not taking it all year round.</div>
I was thinking along the same lines - just to take a break from it. . So, do you continue to take protein powder during an SD? I was going to continue taking it in the morning since my morning protein shake is the main part of my breakfast. (I'm always in a rush in the morning.)  
Yes, I am addicted to my banana &amp; whey shakes!
I still have to get a fair amount of calories even if I am being less than active just to maintain. If I'm busy I tend to not eat enough so a shake or two really helps.