
JC said:
Moderate to High(er) Frequency/Moderate Volume Hypertrophy Training – These are training programs that have you in the gym 3-6 times per week with varied intensities and volume.

HST is a great example of this training in effect. On HST, one is training full-body every other day. The idea behind it is to take advantage of recovery and peaks in protein synthesis. The frequency in this regard is fairly aggressive with each body part getting hit 3 times per week. However, it’s completely doable due to the loading protocol and built-in periodization Bryan Haycock recommends to succeed on the program.

One more way of approaching a higher frequency program is to train 6 times per week in an upper/lower split (or for more volume – push/pull/legs). While many won’t be able make such a commitment, if set up correctly, this type of training can be very productive.

Productive, in this sense, assumes that the individual knows and understands how to moderate their intensity and volume in a sensible and practical matter.

Here’s an interesting thread about high frequency training on Glenn Pendlay’s forum.