judge my workout!!


New Member
hey guys can you tell me if i need pull downs in my workout this is my 2nd cycle of Hst this year i think lol and i'm having great success so far

Flat Bench
Bent Rows
Smith Machine Military Press
Pull Downs
CG Bench
Dumbell Curls i rotate between these and barbell every other workout
BB CUrls (rotate)

hows that look?
I'd substitute 'em with weighted Chin ups unless of course you hate the buggers!
I'd also drop the curls 'cause the chins take good care of the arms, do them curls only for recreation!

Otherwise its fine...hey what happened to squats
I would drop the dumbell curls but that's just me. And I like the CG Bench Press too. That's the only exercise I've done for my tri's and its put some real size on my arms.

Be careful doing military presses behind your back. I would keep the barbell in front of my head when lowering. I did behind neck presses and it almost ruined my rotator cuffs for a LONG time. I had to do many weeks of special exercises to get them to stop popping every time I raised my arms.

But again that's just me.
When I was new to training I could manage 10 or more exercises a session, 3 x weekly. Now I do 3 or 4 at most and find that to be just fine.

If it was me, I'd split the exercises into A and B routines and alternate them.

Personally, I wouldn't use a Smith machine for presses if I had a choice. What's your reasoning? Using a bb and doing them standing rather than seated is a fantastic exercise.

I would drop CG bench for dips as I think you'll be able to use more load, making dips a more effective exercise for more muscle groups. You can easily add weight a necessary too if you have access to a weight belt.

Leg work? Why not alternate deads and full squats? I prefer to do them first in my routine but others like to do them last. Just be sure you are able to keep good form when the loads get heavy.

Be sure to read the S&W thread linked in my footer. You may get some more ideas.