

New Member
A friend of mine recently told me he started taking 4-AD. Which is, i guess, a form of steroids. He stated that this stuff is safe and not to be worried. In my mnd at least all steroids arent safe and all have some form of side effect. Anybody know anything about 4-AD and its risks. Also any possible suggestions on a replacment, i tried recommending a creatine NO blend to no avail....please help.    
i dont know 4-ad sorry.
but i think this is here the training section !
so post in supps section maybe next time.......
i havent touched the stuff, but i know it is a pro-hormone, not a steroid. this means it becomes androgenic after consumption. safe is relative. 4-AD is known to bring on gyno easier than most pro-hormones, which is cool if you want pointy Madonna boobs.

i would advise your friend to do some research, try anabolicminds.com they are a board known for pro-hormone and designer steroid use.
also, i know bryan is not looking to have this board become yet another aas discussion board, so questions like this would be best asked on other forums.
I'd recommend you find another site with more information and actually educate yourself a little bit before you blindly follow the sheeps call against steroids. If your friend wants to use steroids or prohormones, that is his choice. Hopefully he has done his reading and knows how to use them responsibly.
Don't know if it's ok to recommend other sites on here, please delete if this is innnapropriate.

Go to www.muscletalk.co.uk There's a section there that will help you with such info. I'd personally stay away from 4-AD. Put it into Google as well and read all the different info that comes up.
The laws have changed. Prohormones are the same thing as steroids in the eyes of the law but they dont work nearly as well.

Tell your friend to educate himself and then go from there.