Just another HST novice


New Member
Hey guys!!

I've been training for about 1 year(classic splits) and I'm giving HST a try

If I am unable to do squats,deadlifts,chin and pullups would HST fail for me?  

This a modified routine I could do without having to worry about my health related problems:

Leg extensions
Leg curls

Barbell bench press
Incline dumbbell bench press

Lat pulldown
Barbell bent over rows

Military press
Lateral raise
Rear delts

Barbell curls
Triceps pushdown

-bike riding really works my legs
-warm up  sets are not included in this template
weeks 1-2: 1 set 15 reps on all ex.
weeks 3-4: 2 sets 10 reps on all ex.
weeks 4-6:3 sets 5 reps on all ex.
weeks 6-8: 3 sets 5 reps on all ex.

Hey avrgbob18,

Welcome to the board!

HST will not fail for you because it's 'just' a bunch of principles that you can apply to any lifting regime for whatever muscle groups you train, with whatever exercises you choose to use.

If you are unable to do chins/pull-ups (lack of a chinning bar I guess?) but you can use a pull-down machine then that's not going to hold back your progress. Not being able to squat or deadlift means that you won't have to adapt to heavy loads so you will tend to lack some all-over muscle thickness and density, but it's not the end of the world.

As for your list, I certainly wouldn't do all those exercises in one session. Personally, I think you have far too much shoulder work. Shoulders take a real beating from all upper-body work so I'd probably alternate heavy shrugs with presses (ie. one or the other each session) and be done with them. Lateral raises and rear delt work seems pretty much like a waste of energy to me. Do a few more presses or bent over rows instead.

Bike riding may work your legs but it won't really do much to make them grow beyond a certain point unless you are able to increase the resistance and increase your power output over time. Good exercise though.

I'd do something like this:

Hard 10 min bike session (intervals/speed work)

Leg extensions AND Leg curls

Barbell bench press OR Incline db press

Lat pull-down OR Barbell bent-over row

Shrugs OR Standing press

Barbell curls OR Triceps pushdown

I'd do 2 x 15, 3 x 10 and 5 x 5 for each exercise.

Depending on your load progression, 5 x 5 may get too much during 5s, in which case drop it down to 4 x 5 and then 3 x 5 for the final week.

All the best.
Thanks for the reply!

The routine you suggested seems quite easy to do for me; I did the routine I posted for 1 week and it felt really good,not felt like overtraining.Should I just carry on with it or stop and change?I guess most people that start HST feel as if they don't push themselves hard enough.

Workout A
Leg extensions AND Leg curls
Barbell bench press
Lat pull-down
Standing press
Barbell curls

Workout B
Leg extensions AND Leg curls
Incline db press
Barbell bent-over row
Standing press
Triceps pushdown

I could alternate them each week:ABA,BAA,AAB,BAB and so on.

Would this be good?

Could I also do smth like:

week 1: 2x15
week 2: 3x10
week 3: 4x5
week 4: 5x5

Do a cycle of only 4 weeks?

Thanks again!!
(avrgbob18 @ May 03 2009,6:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks for the reply!

The routine you suggested seems quite easy to do for me; I did the routine I posted for 1 week and it felt really good,not felt like overtraining.Should I just carry on with it or stop and change?I guess most people that start HST feel as if they don't push themselves hard enough.

Workout A
Leg extensions AND Leg curls
Barbell bench press
Lat pull-down
Standing press
Barbell curls

Workout B
Leg extensions AND Leg curls
Incline db press
Barbell bent-over row
Standing press
Triceps pushdown

I could alternate them each week:ABA,BAA,AAB,BAB and so on.

Would this be good?

Could I also do smth like:

week 1: 2x15
week 2: 3x10
week 3: 4x5
week 4: 5x5

Do a cycle of only 4 weeks?

Thanks again!!</div>
Do ABA, BAB etc.

15s seem easy if you are not doing squats or deads. (In fact, all workouts seem pretty easy if you are not doing squats or deads or some sort of Oly lift!
) 5s will take more of a toll on your recovery ability.

I'd do a regular cycle:

SD/deload ~9 days (eat at maintenance)
15s, weeks 1&amp;2: 2x15
10s, weeks 3&amp;4: 3x10
5s, weeks 5&amp;6: 6x5
Post-5s, weeks 7&amp;8: 5x5-&gt;3x5 depending on progression and fatigue

Don't worry about zig-zag between mesocycles.
Got it  
  thank you very much!

oh and could I do biceps&amp;triceps o the same day or I'm better doing one twice a week and the other once once?
I forgot to add: do some ab work at the end of your w/o if you fancy. (ie. don't fatigue your core early in your workout.)

Apologies if you already know this but be sure to tighten your glutes when overhead pressing to prevent over-extension of your lower-back.

You could do bis and tris 3 x weekly but I honestly think it's overkill if you are hitting your main compounds hard 3 x weekly. If you do want to do them 3 x weekly I'd reduce the total reps for each.
I'll  sure throw in some ab work whenever I feel like.

Oh thanks for the glutes tip,I honestly didn't know that

mm overkill doesn't seem good to me so I'l just stick to alternating that ABA,BAB and 2x15 , 3x10 ...

Thanks again!!!
small update: the workout is still
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Workout A
Leg extensions AND Leg curls
Barbell bench press
Lat pull-down
Standing press
Barbell curls

Workout B
Leg extensions AND Leg curls
Incline db press
Barbell bent-over row
Standing press
Triceps pushdown</div>

However I train my triceps and biceps only once a week.
Oh yessir! You are working them on all your workout days anyway, just not in such a direct fashion. My preference for a tri iso exercise would be something where more stretch is involved than for pushdowns. So I'd go with something like skullz or lying/standing tri extensions. Up to you though. If you really like pushdowns then stick with them.
I realized that I put way too much stress on my CNS so I did &quot;simplify and win&quot;!

Leg extensions AND Leg curls
Barbell bench press
Bent Over Barbell Row
Standing press

mon: triceps
wed: abs
fri: biceps

Thanks a lot Mr. Lol
I've been thinking about different styles of training,this:

3 times a week:
Leg ext &amp; LEG CURLS
Barbell bench press&amp; incline db press
Lat pulldown&amp;bent over rows
Db lateral raises&amp;military press
Barbell curls
Triceps Pushdown

however the cycle has fewer reps/sets :

weeks1,2: 1x15
weeks3,4: 2x10
weeks5-8: 3x5

Is is too much?Thanks again