Just Checking...


New Member

On my second 8-week cycle now and I notice that for the first 2 sessions of a 2-week cycle I'm lifting lighter weights than the last 2 sessions of the previous cycle (even though the rep range has decreased).

For example, for squats during the 10's:

Session 5 = 2 x 10 for 210lbs
Session 6 = 2 x 10 for 220lbs

Squats during the 5's:

Session 1 = 3 x 5 for 180lbs
Session 2 = 3 x 5 for 195lbs

This is just the way it works out starting at 75% rep max for a cycle. Is it correct to be lifting lighter weights at the start of a 2-week cycle?

Yep. This is called zig zag or undulating loads. It's okay. There is more information about it in the FAQs if you want to read about it.
Tot is right on the money. There's been ongoing debate about the effectiveness of zigzagging, some prefer a simple linear progression. I'm currently giving zigzag a try, and must say I am liking it.
Thanks for the confirmation. Thought as much.

Even if the HST approach can only match, and is no more effective than, linear progression programs, to me its worth following - simply for the benefits undulating loads has to have on joint / immune health etc.

With zig-zagging, your first few workouts after an RM workout will be with slightly reduced loads and with a reduced rep count per set. These two factors should help you to overcome any accumulated fatigue. Overall, you should be lifting heavier loads by the end of the cycle (and at the end of each mesocycle) than you were in your previous cycle.

Linear programs work just fine for a while (and are to be recommended, especially if you are just starting out) but then the HST approach with a bit of zig-zagging can really help you to push past sticking points and keep the loads progressing cycle to cycle.