just completed 1st HST workout


New Member
Hello everyone. I just completed my first workout of the 15's of the following exercises after reading up for the past 2 weeks and staying out of the gym. I used the calculator to find my rep maxes from my split routine that I have been using. I also chose my exercises after reading Fausto's advice on keeping to the basics as follows:

full squats followed by stiff legged deadlifts
incline bench press
bent over rows
military press

I was expecting this workout to be somewhat easier due to the fact of 1 set per exercise but I couldn't have been more wrong. I also thought I would still have the energy to do a tricep and bicep isolation exercise but after completing the exercises above I was completely drained.

So I now have my first question: is this a common or did the calculator fail me and I went for too much on the first workout.

Now for the info on myself:
36 yo male
14% bodyfat
been working out using a split body routine for the past year.
2 years ago weighed 185lbs ( yea I was a little chubby with a size 34 inch waist )
lost down to 137lbs 29 inch waist and totally pissed off my wife and had my family concerned.

My workouts have consisted of a split body routine 5 days a week with my reps in the beginning being 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 reps and after a while changing it up to 3 sets of 8 reps all the while slowly increasing the weight. I have been seeing some progress doing this but just not as I would have hoped for. Hopefully HST is the answer. I am very excited to finally get this going.

If the first one was that difficult - then you've likely overestimated.

Calculators suck. Try actually testing for your RM for each training block instead. Now would be a good time to do this since you are only one workout in - get the real RM and start over.
Agreed you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by spending a week working out your true RMs, and then doing your first workout again starting at about 70% of your 15RM. Better to start over and do it properly now than struggle through the whole cycle unecessarily.

So do 15RM today, 10 RM 48 hours later, 5 RM 48 hours after that, then wait 48 hours and do your first day, if you've already SDed from your pre-HST training. If not take another week off and do it properly, you'll grow better later.

Your RM is the weight you can do x amount of reps with proper form, when you can't push the weight up again without compromising form, that's it.
I love the 15's. I just have trouble counting that high with my shoes on.
Everything is back to normal. I went tonight and the workout went fine and I was even able to throw in the tris and bis. Maybe the slight stomach issue and missing my critical pre workout meal had me just a little energy depleted.

15's can surprise the hell out of many, since you have been working out for a while, the calculators should not be that far off, now you say your second workout went fine, i'd say tweak as necessary.

Keep going...if you do have doubts and struggle too many times, then definitely follow Peaks advice!
Great isn't it. I also felt that way after my first workout but pressed on. HST has taken me to new heights. Believe in it and soon you will be lifting like crazy

Great to see you on board! Its been a while but I see I managed to convince you!

HST is the stuff...believe me.
I'm just finishing my 2nd week of my first HST cycle, and I found the same thing, that the first day of 15s wiped me out on some excercises (squats! At, like, a crazy low weight!).

For me, I figured it was a psychological thing: I've been working out, off and on, for about 5 or 6 years now, and I've never really gone above 8-10 reps in any set/rep scheme (done plenty of 4x5s, 3x8s, etc), so I'd get to reps number 9 and 10 and my body would be like "What? There's more?! Aren't we supposed to rest for a bit?"

I've only got one more 15s workout left, and I'm doing fine now. The weights are hugely challenging, but I've been able to get 2 sets of 15s for the first 4 workouts and one set of 15s (and I clustered for the 2nd for some movements) for yesterday's workout.
After a two week SD the first 15s w/o is always going to feel hard. There are lots of reasons for this but it is a good thing.
You should find that you start to improve over the first week and then, by the time it gets hard for your 15RM w/o, that you are firing on all cylinders again. I am invariably surprised that I get my 15RM loads as the Monday and Wednesday w/os always seem really tough. So far, so good.
full squats followed by stiff legged deadlifts
incline bench press
bent over rows
military press

also if you are doing it in this order you are doing 2 pulling and then 2 pushing
incline bench press
bent over rows
do this
incline bench
bent over row
that way each muscle gets more recovery time.
Hi Fausto

true, its been a while. Busy on my second week of 10's and I'm already craving for the 5's. This stuff gets you hooked. can't seem to get enough