Just Completed 1st HST would like feedback


New Member
I have finally finished my 1st HST workout.  Here are the results:

• Weight 175 to 172
• Fat 22% to 21%
• Chest 42” same
• Waist 36” to 34”
• Bicep 14.5” to 14.25
• Hips 38” to 37.5”
• Thigh 23” to 22.5”

So as you can see there were no super dramatic changes over the last 10 weeks.  I have noted the improvement in bodyfat and waist measurement.  Today the scale actually read 19% for the first time.

So what do I think about the HST?

It is a workout.  As with any workout it has its good points and bad points.   I did realize some really incredible (for me) strength gains.  I like the specificity of the workout plan; I knew exactly how much weight I was going to attempt for each and every workout.  During the later stages with the heavier weights at the 5 rep range I found it pretty impossible to complete the entire full-body workout with the appropriate warm-ups in one setting.  Also, towards the end I felt really achy in my joints; I would assume this was a result of the heavier loads and the frequency of the workouts.  

Because this is a full-body workout I could not help to feel that some parts of my body were rather neglected.  For me, I have to work my biceps more than what I did to maintain size.  Now with that said I am still surprised at the weight load I was able to curl.

All and all I believe it is a good workout.  I don’t believe that it is the end all to be all of workout programs.  I also don’t buy-in to many of the muscle hypertrophy theories on the website.  Maybe they are right all correct but for me and my body; the only time I experience any amount of hypertrophy is when I go to muscle failure.

I do plan on doing the HST workout again.  

You can view my HST workout log at:

Any suggestions or criticisms on this workout or for my next HST would be appreciated.
Obviously you were cutting from your stats, and when cutting, you get fatigued more easily - and you did well gaining strength that way. Now bulk, and you'll find HST a whole different animal.
Caution :
Consistent use of this program may prove addictive to most individuals.
I don't know how you carry weight, but I would be so happy to lose 2 inches on my waist and to have the scale only go down 3 pounds. I would be elated to have that happen to me on a cutting cycle, but I'm still working on my first and I'm trying to eat big.
"So as you can see there were no super dramatic changes over the last 10 weeks."

Thats probably because you ate maintenance/slightly below. Measurement wise those are some pretty good changes.

"During the later stages... in one setting."

I just checked your workout sheet. You are doing far too much for warmup. BTW for being 172 with only 136lb of LBM you can bench, curl, OHP, and BB row quite a bit.

"For me, I have to work my biceps more than what I did to maintain size."

I highly doubt you lost any muscle on your biceps. With the amount of fat and muscle on you, you could probably just flex your arms and maintain your muscle. This is considering the half-hearted cut you did.

My suggestion is that you get a handle on your diet and either cut or bulk. You will see much better results that way.
I did not try to do a cut or bulk. I did change my diet to eat cleaner.

My next HST will be at the end of may and, if I have to choose, would be a bulk. I am trying to cut right now to get down to 15% BF.

Is there anything I should do differently for an HST that would be a bulk? I really want to get the most out of the next one.
(tlambert @ Mar. 14 2007,14:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Is there anything I should do differently for an HST that would be a bulk?  I really want to get the most out of the next one.</div>
It seems to be easier than you think.

If your bulking, eat above maintanence and try and meet your RM, which may be slightly higher as you have a surplus of hopefully clean food in you, supplying all the protein/carbs/fats/macronutrients/vitamins..blah blah blah, that you need.

If your cutting, eat below maintanence and again, try and meet your RM, chances are you will feel weaker, so expect this, as your probably gonna wanna cut back on some of your carbs and possibly protein, depending on how much you consume now and how it plays in your overall calories.

Something like this calculator might help you:

Ultimately, pay attention to what you see happening.  As on paper, I should be eating alot more than I do, yet I gain weight, so I have to pay attention to that.
I think the most important thing when bulking is to make sure you get stronger.
So say you start a new cycle HST and plan on bulking. The weights should be heavier than what you have ever lifted (since you will become bigger than you have ever been).
If you dont get any PBs at the end of a bulking phase (when reaching a new personal body weight record) I wouldnt consider the cycle successful.

The exception is if you have been bigger before. Then its not sure you will get new PBs.
Thanks for the feedback. It seems that my post has created more questions than answers for me. I will still be doing another HST in a couple of months and will check this thread on occaision for suggestions.