just finished 15's


New Member
it doesn't make sense: in some exercises i wasn't successful in completing the reps but in other i felt like i was able to do more. for ex: on bench press on my 2nd set i did only 10 reps but in calves raise i did 17 reps.

in the long run would not completing all the reps ( like doing 9 reps out of 10) would mean anything ?
No, in the long run this should not make much difference if at all, especially during the 15's. The 15's are generally a more "feel" based approach to working out--the idea is to work the muscle until you feel a certain pain deep within the muscle. If this takes only one set, that is fine. If it takes two sets, (even if the second set is not numerically completed) that is also fine.
The most effective, and therefore important set is the first set of an exercise. You absolutely should do all the prescriped reps for your first set. Research has shown a great deal of diminishing returns regarding the completion of sets--each subsequent set is less effective for hypertrophy than the previous. This is the reason the first set is the most important and also why HST advocates more frequent training, even if at the cost of reduced volume. Good luck.
If you are anal about your reps(like me), you could try clustering. If you feel like rep cadence is slowing down and getting a bit hard for you to push it then stop. take a minute break and go back and finish it. Remember to avoid failure if you can especially if this is your first time going through HST because you want to get an idea of the volume you can handle throughout a high freq routine like HST. Good luck.

Hey :)

Basically another volume question, I see, hmmm...

Well, here's what to follow: do as much as you can

But again, remember that as much as you can means:
1) you don't go to failure, and
2) you don't compromise your ability to train more frequently - meaning you don't tire yourself out too much that you delay your next workout, or become unable to train the next workout, or end up feeling like you dread your next workout.

If as much as you can turns out to be 1 set and just a little more reps after that, that's fine. If it turns out to be 2 sets, then that's what you should do. If it turns out to be 4, then that's what you should do.
