just need some help with finishing touches, help please!


New Member
my routine:

Benchpress(2 sets)
Deadlift(1 set)
Bentover row(2sets)
seated barbell shoulder press(2sets)
Laterial raise(1set)
EZ curl(2sets)
dips(2 sets)

basicly i have calculated pretty much all my increments, however allthough this is a minor issue i still would like it to be resolved. My issue is im not sure how to calculate increments with dips , for instance i can only do 8 reps with 5kg around the belt so i would asume after all the other pressing exercises i could only do roughly 6 reps.

i have access to a dip and pullup assistant machine which allows me to perform reps after i cant use weights or my own bodyweight to perform the exercise. The assistant weights start at 5 and go all the way down to 50. So how would i calculate this? i know its precise but i want to get it right. I did think about decline narrow grip bench press, as i can do much more weight so it wouldnt be a problem, however someone told me that it would be to much for my front delts to deal with after all that pressing......

yes i know i said my last post would be my last bt i just want to nail it 100% i am a twat i know
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Assuming your assisted machines work like all those I have seen they use counterweight to in effect make you lighter. So plug your 8RM into one of these calculators or just use the exrx chart to estimate your 5, 10 and 15 RM weights.



Then just calculate your increments normally. When you do the exercise just use the appropriate amount of assistance weight to lower your body weight down to what you need for that workout.