Just spent a couple hours reading over stuff..critique my routine please~


New Member
Hey guys. I've just spent a couple hours reading the FAQ.pdf and the articles on the main page. I'm going to take the next week to measure my 15/10/5 RMs, take 9~12 days off ( probably 10 ) and start my first ever cycle.

I'll be alternating Squat/Leg Press and DB Military/Widegrip Upright Rows.
Reason is, like the FAQ says, Squat is hard on the lower back at heavy weights and I'll be using Romanian Deadlift for my ham work, which is lighter on the lower back than Stiff-Legged but still hits it regardless.

Also, I'll be doing Incline Press so I wanted to spread out Front/Side focused on Military and Side/Rear focused on widegrip upright row.

Legs: Squat /Leg Press
Ham: Romanian Deadlift
Shoulder: Military/Widegrip upright row
Traps: No direct lifts but worked in upright row and romanian deadlift.
Chest: Incline Press
Back, thickness
: Bent Row at slightly above parallel to the ground.
Back, wideness: Assisted Chin-ups (palms facing me..I'm not yet able to do more than 1 bodyweight regular chin-up so I figured I'd strive myself to be better at the easier version first)
Tri: Close-Grip Flat Bench (hits the biggest one of the 3 tri muscle..best bang for my work I think)
Bi: Reverse Curls (already hitting the bi from row and chinups, so I thought I'd throw in a more forearm-involved version)
Abs: Alternating between crunches and leg raises.

- How does this setup look?
- I can only do maybe 5-6 bodyweight dips. So if I wanted to incorporate dips instead of close-grip bench, I would have to do it on an assisted machine. Would dips be a better choice?
- The FAQ recommends 2x15, 2x15, 2x10, 1x10, 2x5, 1x5..but the more popular version seems to be 1x15x2, 2x10x2, 3x5x2..which one would be better for someone who's been seriously lifting for only about 1 year now?
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looks ok.
i would go with the dips TBH,if you.ve been lifting serious for a yr usin 3 to 4 sets etc,i would go with
good luck with your routine lets us all know how you find it.
- I can only do maybe 5-6 bodyweight dips. So if I wanted to incorporate dips instead of close-grip bench, I would have to do it on an assisted machine. Would dips be a better choice?
I have developed a great appreciation for the chin-up assist machine. It allows me to start significantly below my body weight and to progress the weight by five or ten pounds per workout. I've had much more success doing that than with any other method. Dips (for me) seem to be much more effective than close-grip bench.

Of course, your mileage may vary, but if you have access to a wuss-assist machine, I'd recommend that you take advantage of it.