Just starting HST again


New Member
Hi i'm new here but i'm not really new to HST. I've used it to train all of last summer and want to get back into again.

I'm just coming off a one month full body (upper/lower split) schedule.  I've been doing this to get my body and mind back into the swing of things.  At the end of this week I will have completed a month of non-hst training and proper dieting.

I have a workout already mapped out and it looks like this.

Stiff Leg Deads
Incline Bench
Wide Grip Chin Ups
Seated Rows
Shoulder BB Press
Cable Lateral Raise
Rear Dealts
Preacher DB Curls
Tricep Extensions
Smith Calf Raises

I've already figured out my RM's for each workout and each rep (15,10,5).  I'll be doing these excercises 3Xweek.  

Here are my questions:

How does my routine look? I'd like to have alternating sets of different excersises on different days to make sure i've covered everything. Any suggestions on how i could rearrange my list?

What should i do in between the end of this months workout and my new HST routine?  

I've noticed people adding a 2 week 'deloading' cycle prior to starting, but is that necessary when you're starting your 1st cycle?

I've also noticed someone on here adding 'core work'
to their excersises. Could someone ellaborate that?

Thanks for your time.
there is to much volume do an A and B workout
Squats A
Stiff Leg DeadsB
Incline BenchA
Wide Grip Chin UpsA
Seated RowsB
ShrugsA and B
Shoulder BB PressA
Cable Lateral RaiseB
Rear DealtsA and B
Preacher DB CurlsA and B or drop altogether
Tricep Extensions A and B or drop altogether
Smith Calf Raises
Ok so for my other questions, i think i've figured out what 'core work' mans.

all that's left is

What should i do in between the end of this months workout and my new HST routine?

I've noticed people adding a 2 week 'deloading' cycle prior to starting, but is that necessary when you're starting your 1st cycle?

Also, how do i caclulate my negatives after week 6?
You know what SD is all about, right? I would not bother with deloading, especially since you are new. One to two weeks strategic deconditioning will work out fine.

Check out the FAQ's forum for plenty more information.
Ok just checked out what SD was all about and it seems to only apply to post HST cycles.

I'm wondering if there is anything I should do between my Non HST cycle and my new HST cycle. Since i've already determined my RM's a month prior.

The forum on SD didn't really answer that.
you should still be doing a 1-2 week sd even if you have come from a non HST based background in training.

this is so that the 15's actually do their job in prepping your body for the heavier loads they will face in the coming days/weeks.

e.g if you have been benching 300lbs one week,then drop it to 100 lbs the next, it aint gonna do alot for you, even at 15 reps, whereas if you have a break in between not only does it give you a chance to get over any injuries/fatigue, but it also preps you properly for the 15 rep sessions.

hope this helps?

(zilla @ Mar. 07 2007,18:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">so leave weights alone for 1-2 weeks?</div>
SD is 9 to 14 days depending on training experience
SD should be done before and after an HST cycle to defeat RBE regardless if your prior training was non-HST. The point is that you were training, and most likely to failure citing more evidence of a longer SD, which is why I recommend going two weeks without exercise and eating at maintenance levels.
(colby2152 @ Mar. 07 2007,18:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">SD should be done before and after an HST cycle to defeat RBE regardless if your prior training was non-HST. The point is that you were training, and most likely to failure citing more evidence of a longer SD, which is why I recommend going two weeks without exercise and eating at maintenance levels.</div>

Its just tough for me to grasp since i'm trying to lose weight and mentally conditioned myself so much that i can't live without exercising at this point, plus i've been on a good roll for a month.

Regardless, i like to do things properly, so i'll take the required time off to prepare myself for my HST training.

Wish me luck fellers.
yeah i personally didn't see any harm in doing some low impact cardio. I'll probably stay away from the stairmaster or anything that really pushes the legs.

maybe i'll take up swimming and sauna sitting.