just starting HST, do i have to SD?


New Member
Ive been doing fullbody workouts for a while, but am starting HST. I spent last week finding my 15Rm, 10RM, and 5RM,...but i feel good, and am keen to start, do i really have to take this week off??
It would be best to do so since you already exposed yourself to far heavier weights (10 and 5RM) than the ones you will be starting with.

Taking the week off really isn't because you are expected to be tired. It's for something else (that you don't really feel) commonly called RBE which makes your muscles more resistant to hypertrophy compared to in a relatively untrained state.

Of course, that RBE in a week of workout finding the maxes is far less important than the degree of your exposure to training before going to your first HST cycle. How long have you been working out intensely and regularly? If the answer is "very long" (say, well over a year, no significant breaks), you should take a little bit more strategic deconditioning before proceeding to the cycle than just one week.
Well, i usually train for 12 weeks, then take a week off, do a 3-4 week cut, carb cycling n light weights n cardio, followed by another week off then restart another bulk cycle.

Im on week 6 of my current bulk cycle, so ye, after reading more about the SD, ill take the week off and start fresh

Cheers for the reply
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