

Active Member
was thinking about having a go at these for cardio,reading up on a few sites saying its good for cardio sessions getting abit bored doing ordinary cardio thought it might be good for a change.
obviously would have to choose the correct weight kettlbell for cardio.

anyone done cardio with kettlebells or have any info about it cheers  
I reckon that you can often do just as much (and with more control over load) using a decent dumbbell, with the added advantage that you won't get bruises all over your forearms.

Maybe there are some things which you think you couldn't do with a db?

Then there's the fact that kettlebells still get weighed in poods - even the Russians abandoned the pood in 1924!  

(Of course, if you don't already have any dbs then a few kbs would be a bit of fun to have.)
i think for cardio kettlebells would be better lol,after watching some vids its easier to keep the exercises flowing ie swings into snatches/jerks etc,because of the balance and handles that way it becomes more like juggling type exercises,and that would make it more fun,also there are tricks and techniques to learn,the problem is what size bell to use, most recomend 16kg to start but thats for someone who isnt really a lifter,but if i start at 20kg it might not be so aerobic at first
they are also quite expensive approx £50 to £70 for a 20kg,even more for a competition one.

and yes they do have comps which also makes me want to have a go,not sure how they work out but think its something like who can do most snatches/jerks etc with different weights for a set time "i think"
I have been using Kettlebells for years.

I usually do them as my 'summer workouts'.  Which consist of

tractor Tire.

But in the winter I use them as you suggest a cardio workout (post workout).  Ala tabata.

@ Lol you are correct a lot of the exercises can be done with a DB but, I will also add that certain techniques with the KB are more beneficial for strength (ie Bottoms up type techniques).  

Macebells are very useful for developing core strength and grip strength.

Another thing I do for grip strength is fill an empty 6lb protein container with water (or sand) and just grab it from the lid with just your finger tips.  Excellent for forearm and grip development.
cheers mate,what weight kettlebell do you use,and if i wanted to make the workout longer for cardio reasons should i use a lighter bell etc.
(faz @ May 21 2009,6:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">cheers mate,what weight kettlebell do you use,and if i wanted to make the workout longer for cardio reasons should i use a lighter bell etc.</div>
I have 5 pairs
1 pood, (~16kg, ~36lbs)
1.25 pood (~20kg, ~44lbs)
1.5 pood (~24kg, ~53lbs)
1.75 pood (~28kg, ~62lbs)
2 pood (~32kg, ~70lbs)

Depending on what I am doing I will switch up the weight.
Generally though in the cardio type workout I mentioned above I use the 1 pood.

I am assuming you are a beginner and I would probably 1 - 1.5 pood to learn proper technique etc.

There are some handles I found once that you can attach to a regular DB and allow you to use it as a KB. I can't seem to find the link though. If I find it I will post it later.

Also, I would suggest trying macebells though they are expensive to buy. I have made them by other means like the instructions in this link or This one.
Here is a workout that I designed
I call it Hell's Bells


20 MB 360s/side (alternating direction) @ 10lbs
10 KB Clean and Press/side @ 1pood
10 MB 10 to 2 / side @ 10lbs
10 KB High Pull Snatches/side @ 1pood
10 MB Gravediggers/side @ 10lbs
10 KB Jerks / side @ 1 pood
10 SH tire whacks / side @ 10lbs

No more than 20 minutes.
Side on a MB is when you switch hands from top to bottom
Side on KB and SH is just left and right