Lack of motivation


New Member
Been lacking motivation lately and missing days. Mainly due to the thought of all the exercises. Probably answering my own question here already, but maybe drop some exercises and just get something in at least?

Here is my exercise selection. Is it too much?

1x15, 2x10, 3x5 and increase whatever I can in post 5s

deads/squats (alternate)
Incl db press
db rows
db shoulder press
tri/bi (when I feel like it)
Have you considered abbreviated training? O&G mentioned this in another thread. You basically split your training into two sessions with half the exercises in each session. I've been doing it for several weeks now and really like it. I had been doing Saturday, Monday, & Wednesday. Now, Monday has been split between Mon. & Tues., Wed. is Wed & Thur. and I do everything on Saturday, when I have more time to train.
Very similar exercises and rep count to mine except I replaced dips/Pull ups with Lat pull downs and some bicep work as I was a newbie. I also use the Barbell as opposed to dumbells. You do not have a silly amount of exercises but Triceps, Biceps and Abs should get plenty of work from deadlift/squats/pull ups and dips, so you could drop them or abbreviate as T-man says, however I get the feel (I may be wrong/don't want to speak out of turn/mean offence or second guess you/do not know how long you have been working out/using the same routine etc) that the amount of exercise is not what is de-motivating as you mention the thought of it, rather than the physical aspects of doing too much.

The only way I get myself over blips like this is and it sounds corny but seems to work is to set new goals and build a workout around those goals, that may mean switching things around a bit or even doing other fitness stuff for a rest and coming back to it again, almots like a system reboot.
Have you considered shutting up and lifting?

Just kidding... I would drop the calves, abs and arm work since it isn't really essential anyway. Where are you at in your cycle? Is SD coming up?
I typically hit that wall around week 12 of a very long cycle. Then it's definitely SD time. Towards the end of an SD, I start planning my next radically different cycle on the computer and it gets me reved up to start again. Planning means looking at yourself in detail, determining what you need and tailoring your cycle. If you have questions, ask them.

If you are hitting that wall during a 6 or 8 week cycle, working out is not for you so just give in, get a 12 pack and two family sized bags of chips and watch TV each night. We need lots more guys like that so that the rest of us can look that much better.

Listen to your inner self and make a choice, then shut up and lift or shut up and pig out. :cool:

...without them, you will not be motivated to lift heavy ass weights day in and day out.

I imagine myself having a huge chest like Arnold Schwarzenegger, even though that will never still gets me motivated to imagine that I am going to look like an olympian bodybuilder because of my training and diet. It is just a psychological trick to keep me motivated, because in reality, I would be happy just to improve my own physique, but the fantasy and the goal-setting are critically important to get me motivated to train and diet.
As above: try ditching a few exercises. Id ditch DB rows, specific armwork, abs and calfs. Youre hitting all other muscles on the remaining exercises anyway. Do chins instead of pull-ups. You´ll hit the bi´s at the same time. Just try and get through to the SD and hopefully the motivation will return once you have a week or so off. I know mine does big time!
Thanks for the input guys. I'll stop bitching out and go back after this weekend. Had a long SD so it'll be hard in a good way. Just going to guess my new RMs, don't want to waste another week after testing.

As suggested, going to drop a good amount of exercises.

Deads/squats alternate
Inc press

No shoulder press, but possibly some lateral raises for the med delts. Think the incl press is sufficient for anterior delts.

After this cycle I'll see how I feel and possibly incorporate more exercises.

This will be a cut cycle.