Lagging Bodyparts

Turk Malloy

New Member
This is what ive found in my training and research.

To begin you should look at your diet, this was my fault and is the common fault of most trainees including hardgainers.
I use the following calorie counter at my goal weight:
MayoClinic calorie counter

By making these adjustments you can experience gains in line with other parts.
* Stretch
* Load
* Volume
* Modality techniques

the lagging body part may have high ST composition (tonic), this
will then require higher starting loads of 75% of 1RM and progressive loads of 10% plus, working upto 120% of 1RM

Choose isolation movements which have higher stretch components.

Sometimes its more productive to add more sets. Dont zig-zag.
use unilateral exercise ie biceps then triceps.