last 2 weeks huh?


New Member
I tried searching for the answer, but there is so much stuff so i'm just asking. So pardon if this has been asked a billion times before.

but i'm moving into my last few weeks, i guess they are supposed to be negatives. but i have no one to do these do i do ? should i just repeat my 5's? as if i'm starting from the beggining? or just do my 5 rep max for the next two weeks?

Use your 5RM loads. They will be effective for at least a couple more weeks although their effectiveness will gradually diminish the longer you keep the loads the same. If you find you can get all 5 reps for more than a single set then you could increment the loads again for the second week of post-5s. You could keep incrementing until you find your new 5RMs for each exercise and then use these to plan your next cycle.

If you start to struggle with the loads, which can occur as accumulated fatigue levels rise towards the end of a cycle, then cluster reps into smaller sets. Aim for the same total reps that you would have performed without clustering. Eg. 3 x 5 == 5, 4, 3, 3

The other to remember to do during 5s is to add in a set of metabolic work for each muscle group after all the heavy sets are done. So, for example, after your heavy bench sets are done, lower the load by about 20-25% and then rep out. No need to go to failure but you want to do enough reps to get a good burn/pump in the muscles being worked. There's good reason to do this which you will find if you read the FAQs or search the forums. I'm too lazy to explain now. Please forgive. I need some sleep! :)