Last 2 weeks of 5's


Active Member
HST recommends this:
Repetitions will decrease every two weeks in the following order: 15 reps for two weeks, 10
reps for two weeks, 5 reps for two weeks, then continue with your 5 rep max for two weeks or
begin two weeks of negatives.
Assuming I can't do negatives, I'm left with 5RMs. I can probably do them once at the end of the 5's weeks, but I obviously can't do them 3 times a week for 2 more weeks... Can anyone training naturally? So, to be able to sustain the recommended frequency I either need to do a set of 4 reps with a 5RM weight (including the one on the 5RM day), or do 5 reps with a 6RM weight etc. Which one is better?
I have just finished my first cycle that included a 2 wk extended 5's 3x a wk, and am natural. I had no problems. how many sets are you doing? I didn't add weight every workout on extended 5's so why can't you maintain it.? why can't you negative either ?
I have just finished my first cycle that included a 2 wk extended 5's 3x a wk, and am natural. I had no problems. how many sets are you doing? I didn't add weight every workout on extended 5's so why can't you maintain it.? why can't you negative either ?
I've been doing HST for a little over 2 years. Squats, bench, RDL, seated rows / pull-ups, etc. This ain't no lateral raises, I know. I'm only doing 1 set when working at my absolute max.
I am still lost as to why you can't do 5's beyond the 2 wk 5's cycle? if anything 1 set should make it even more do-able? do you have joint problems/pains? over training, maybe to many exercises in your routine? dead lifting/squatting to many times per wk? or you started out with too much weight? if you don't give clear answers to what the problems are it just makes it impossible for anyone to help. and I am sure when another expert member comes along he will ask why, whats the problem you can't extend the 5's?

I know I am a new member here with few posts but I am not new to lifting.

you will not be adding weight to the extended 5's wks. this would, like you say make it impossible as your already at your max and unless you have just started lifting just won't happen.
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I've always been able to work at my maxes for at least two weeks at a time without burning out. The only thing that burns me out if I do it more than once a week is max singles. I think you should try max singles at the end of your cycle, btw... before you SD. Work up to a max single on squats one day, and a max on bench another day. The only other thing in your routine I would bother with attempting a max single on is weighted chinups. But I would definitely do all three of those before ending the cycle so you can get a tangible view of how much your maximal strength has increased.
I am still lost as to why you can't do 5's beyond the 2 wk 5's cycle? if anything 1 set should make it even more do-able? do you have joint problems/pains? over training, maybe to many exercises in your routine? dead lifting/squatting to many times per wk? or you started out with too much weight? if you don't give clear answers to what the problems are it just makes it impossible for anyone to help. and I am sure when another expert member comes along he will ask why, whats the problem you can't extend the 5's?

I know I am a new member here with few posts but I am not new to lifting.

you will not be adding weight to the extended 5's wks. this would, like you say make it impossible as your already at your max and unless you have just started lifting just won't happen.

Stealth, here's my typical w/o:
Flat bench
BB standing press
Seated rows / pull-ups (alternating)
Calf raise
BB curl
I train 10-5-5 two weeks each. Each cycle I take a week of SD, add 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) to Squats/bench/DL (provided I hit the required number of reps), and start over.
I build up to that using 5% increments. I don't mind zig-zagging between 10s and 5s. I haven't done 15s lately.

Stealth, probably squats/DL both 3 times per week even during 5s contributed to my burning out. So last week I finished up my cycle doing them on Monday and Friday only, and did leg curls/extensions/shrugs on Wednesday, but it didn't help my results on Friday. If we think Squats/RDLs weren't there for a moment, I also do bench press every workout. Interestingly, if we take bench all I could accomplish was my previous 5RM on the next to last workout on Wednesday, and I only did 3.5 reps with my new 5RM on Friday, necessitating spotter's help. How do you guys work to failure or very close to failure 3 times a week?

Totentanz, what good are singles for hypetrophy?
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I was wondering if the dead lift and squats in the same days routine might be the issue. I still think with 1 sets you should be ok. but you might want to change to a A-B workout squatting 2x a wk and DL once.

my cycle is the same as yours. 10's -5's missing 15's unless I come across any muscle/tendon issues.
I manage flat press, CGBP, flies, chins, seated rows, OHP, face pull, curls, pushdowns, x 2 sets morning and a A/B squats/deadlift, extensions,ham curls, calves x3 sets evening. Natural. 3x a wk. I am not saying this is a good option but it suits me.

you don't want to work to failure. stay at least 1 rep away for the 5's. 2reps is safer if you work alone. it sounds like you have mis-judged your weight or increased to much from your last cycle. I would drop weight a few kg to a level you can do 5 reps and stick that 3x a wk for 2 wks.

how will 1's benefit hypertrophy? look up myofibrillar hypertrophy, but basic there are 2 types of hypertrophy, this type is to do with strength and explosiveness by building myosin fibres within the muscle cell. its what the 5's are doing. this muscle is harder to loose when you have a "off" session or SD. they will also improve your max.
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