last wk of first cycle


Active Member
have done one cycle before but never sd so this was my first proper one....didnt take any measurements but i am still 215lbs
but my jeans are looser and my shirts are tighter round the shoulders and i guess i have lost weight and gained muscle :D which i am pleased with..i can also tell when i look in the mirror that i have gained muscle..

on my next cycle i plan to rep out on the submax weights of 15s..
only do arm isos in the 15s and 10s drop them in the 5s
do 2wks 15s..2sets
2wks 10s...2sets
2wks 5s...3sets
1wk 5s...2sets..try and up weights slightly
1wk 5s with metabolic set.

incline db bench
lat pulldowns
low pulley rows
seated shoulder db press
back hyperextentions
rear laterals
bb curls..skullcrushers only in 15s and 10s

i would like to thank all the guys on here for there help and advice especially dkm..and...jvroig..for helping me tweak my routine with some good ideas ..i will let you know if they work

at 47 i didnt or dont expect to gain massive amounts of muscle but i am pleased at the gains in one cycle..also no joint trouble or tiredness from overtraining..i have also made quite good strenght gains..well done bryan for thinking up hst and making it available free of charge....
Good Job
Never too old to put on muscle, eh? :)

Like Dan said, good job! Looking good at past 40? That is no small achievement.

And if the ideas don't work like magic, hey, don't worry, we'll sue somebody
kidding! If it doesn't work at all, we'll try to see what the problem is and figure out something. But it'll work. No worries.

Regards, and good luck! :)