lateral/rear delt raises during 5s?


i just finished of the 10s and am starting the 5s tomorrow. this is my second cycle and i have loved it. currently i am alternating seated barbell shoulder press with a combination of lateral and rear delt raises for my shoulder exercises on A and B days respectively. should i drop the lateral and rear delt raises during the 5s? i'm thinking of dropping them and substituting them with either seated barbell shoulder press or possibly some upright rows, in which case i'd drop shrugs. here's my current routine...any thoughts?

Flat Bbell Bench/Weighted Dips
Bbell Rows
Seated Mil Press/Lateral Raises and Rear Delt Raises
Close-Grip Bench
Bbell Curls
Bbell Shrugs
Drop them and just do the seated press each workout. I would not drop shrugs, those a great lift for when you are working heavy.