Leg muscle = heavy???

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I am curious..before HST I was major leg slacker....

now my legs are like freaking tree trunks.

I havent had my body fat done...I look in the mirror and I look thinner and thinner as time passes...but my weight doesnt change that much....could this be becuase of my legs?

they are big...and mostly muscle.....they have gotten much larger in the last 3 months..
That could be. Other people get even heavier. The weight is pretty unimportant, so do yourself a favor and don't take it serious. What counts is the body fat percentage.
Yeah, lets hear your measurements.

You think you've got it bad? I almost have to walk like a fat man even though I'm relatively lean, because my thighs chafe together all day. It gets quite uncomfortable.
I run into this problem too when I start HST on a strict diet, the scale doesnt say im losing weight by my work pants feel looser and looser every week or two.

I assume its my legs getting bigger..
(Totentanz @ Mar. 11 2008,00:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It gets quite uncomfortable.</div>
Not for the girls looking at you.
I am 5; 6&quot; and half inches tall.

I measured around my legs standing still..non flex...in the middle from my wiast to knees.

and left leg was 25 inches.
right leg about 25 inches.

I am not sure if that is a lot or not...my friend who is the same height had 16 inches around!


ill post a pic.
When you measure thighs, measure around the largest circumference which is usually just about where your leg attaches to your torso ie. at groin level while standing.

Taken from Max Potential

Measure your ankle circumference at the smallest point , A (in inches), and your height, H (in inches), and then calculate this:

1.4737A + 0.1918H = max likely thigh girth @ 10% body fat

Please keep in mind that even relatively small changes in body fat level can significantly increase thigh circumference - a lot of people can surpass the measurement this equation gives when their legs are fat.
Yeah, 25 inches around on the midpoint of the thigh is fairly large at your height. However, like Lol said, bodyfat can affect your thigh measurements quite considerably. But if you are under 15% bodyfat and you store fat in a male typical pattern, then 25 inches is rather impressive. Have you had to buy new pants yet? It can be frustrating.
I need to get it done..

but when I started off..i wore a tight 36 jean and slacks.

now both are so loose I can pull them off...I store fat in my ass and abs.

my legs arent cut...I mean they arent vainy...but they went from flabby....to rock solid and huge over 3 months.

my leg press went from:

10 x 135 lbs to 10 x 315 lbs.

hamstring machine:

10 x 50 lbs


10 x 95 lbs

calf press:

10 x 115 lbs


10 x 250 lbs

walking lunge...I could do 6 with no weight at 220 lbs.
to 8 right now with 20 lbs dumbells in each hand and I weight 192-194
Wow, I wish I had your &quot;problem&quot;!