

New Member
well my gym sucks balls!....i have a leg press and a squat rack,i also add lunges/barbell and calves(using the legpress).

question is it enough for full leg work?or should i find a gym with leg extensions for more quad developement.my legs are gaining but not at the pace id like.
From everything I read, you should just only need a squat/dead program to develop big legs!!! BUT...leg extensions tend to put on the teardrop just above the knees, but be careful of the knee joints if you use them heavy.
Hey, I found out what you look like:
Icars, I remember from previous threads that you were hoping to focus more on your legs to bring them up. How are the squats going? What kind of volume are you doing right now and what have you experimented with? Best results doing what?
first off hey quad where did you find that?
i think that was from last summer.

anywho thanks guys for teh response.well i dont think i mentioned i was ill b4 christmas and was doing a cut at the same time,which lead to strength and mass loss(fat and muscle
),so my squat suffered quite a bit.as far as exercises go ive been doing squats 3 sets leg press 3 sets calves 3 sets and 2 sets lunges all on friday.i went back to a split routine recently.however i still increase the weight each week going roughly from 16 reps right down to 4's then i do either a negative week or i max out,then sd for 9 days.

im maxing this week which has got me back upto 370-380 for squat and 700 on leg press.im getting a big ass and hams but the quads need more developement.
Don't forget the leg curls and toe raises! (joke)
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">first off hey quad where did you find that? i think that was from last summer.</div>
Easy. I took your avatar and reversed the coding! Voila!

I don't belong in this thread. My legs have almost never responded to anything I've tried. It's like some genetic defect or curse or something! At least I'm doing workout 10 of deads next; maybe soon that may work.
Funny the guys I know with the biggest legs are either powerlifters or hill cyclists...

Heavy Squats and Deads should be enough, curls and ext don't hurt but I think they're a waste of time imo.

All I do on my legs at the moment is ATG Squats, and its evening out my quads and hams.

As long as your legs are gaining then they'll get where you want them to be.
(Peak_Power @ Feb. 25 2007,21:33)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Funny the guys I know with the biggest legs are either powerlifters or hill cyclists...

Heavy Squats and Deads should be enough, curls and ext don't hurt but I think they're a waste of time imo.

All I do on my legs at the moment is ATG Squats, and its evening out my quads and hams.

As long as your legs are gaining then they'll get where you want them to be.</div>
I am not a powerlifter and my genetics are leg friendly, but full, atg squats and the all the mountain biking I do has made my legs what they are today. My legs are wonderful.

All I do is ATG squats, Front and back, Deads and absurd amount of biking.