Length of your workout?


New Member

I think I've got to grips with how HST works and the ideas behind it - read just about everything in the articles section...

Just one thing that I'm still finding difficult in putting a routine together is the length of time it will take to complete. I'm used to having 30-40min sessions, apart from that fitting in great to my schedule I had also been under the impression that this was the ideal amount of time for a session to last.

Now when I try putting a full body routine together and then look on to when I'll have maybe 2 sets of many exercises, plus the need for some isolation exercises to hit for example the Biceps... Well I'm just beginning to wonder how long it's actually going to take me to get through it. It will have more sets than my previous split routines, plus the added time of setting up several different exercises.

Is this a problem for anyone else or do HST routines normally just need a bit over an hour to complete?
The typical HST routine takes 30-45 minutes for most people, some up to an hour. You are probably doing too many exercises or something. Post your routine.
Thanks for the feedback! The routine I'm thinking of is below, I wanted to try and stick with a since routine and not try the A/B/A stuff simply to keep my first go the whole progressive load thing as straight forward as possible.

Seated Cable Rows: 2 sets
Bench Press: 2 sets
(Inc. Bench Press): 1 set
Standing Military Press: 2 sets
EZ-Bar Curls: 1 set
Dips: 1 set
Squats: 2 sets
Stiff-legged Deadlifts: 2 sets

The Inc. Bench is in brackets because I'm undecided about it. I'd like to focus in on the chest a bit if possible, because it's one area that is fairly stubborn on me when it comes to gaining size. With the exception of that it's really one exercise per muscle group, but needing something extra for arms etc obviously starts to add up.

Appreciate any comments!!
I don't see any reason that routine would take you more than 45 minutes prior to the 5s. Once you get to the 5s, you may have to rest a bit more between sets, but that should be easily doable in less than an hour. Go try it out and see what happens.
Thanks for the comments!!

I'll go ahead with that routine then. Maybe I'll start out with the incline Bench Press as well and then if time becomes an issue on the 5s I can drop it.