Let`s show your Routine


New Member
Let`s post your actuall routine !
exercises, sets, reps, .... maybe some words to it ....

(will post my proggy too, but tomorrow... too late already)
maybe we can create a sticky with some good routines!
Currently cutting... aiming for about a pound a week.  Still havent been loggin my food intake though.  I think that is the next step.

I was working out at work but since I lost my job I have had to make do with what I have at home.  I have a nice 300lb barbell set, but I am gonna need to expand it soon. I have powerblocks that are good for up to 52.5lbs. I also have this crappy machine (Weider Platinum XP600) that I use for bench after the weight exceeds my DBs and for pulldowns. Its such a piece of crap. I wish I never bought it and got a real bench, but alteast I only paid 200$ for it. I dont have a pullup bar so I just use a door frame. It helps for grip strength training too.

With what I have I am doing:
-Flat bench/Incl Bench
-standing OH DB press (until weight too high for DBs)/ Standing OH BB press (going into push press when it gets too heavy)
-Pendlay Rows/DB Rows (until weight is too high for DBs)
-Pulldowns until BW then (weighted) pullups

ab work (havent decided yet)

I warmup/cool down with jogging with dynamic stretching before hitting the weights and static stretching after.

I sometimes go wall climbing with a group of friends.  

I really need to stop being lazy and figure out what to use for a dip station.

I have about 8 more pounds to go then I should be in the 10-12% range.  Then I get to bulk again!!!
I'm doing a HST/5x5 merger again, but I'm trying to get my deadlift up, so I swapped deads and squats in the program. The only assistance work I am doing is weighted ab work and some stuff for triceps, other than that, it looks like the standard 'advanced' spreadsheet from madcow's site.
My current program:

M,W,F fullbody
2x15, 2x10, 3x5 (will do constant volume next cycle)

SM Squats
DB Inc Bench Press / DB Dec Bench Press
Pull Ups
DB Arnie Press
DB Lying Row
Ab Crunches on a ball
Bicep Curls and Tricep Extension in first week of each rep range when weights are light.

I'm also doing BB standing military press on Tues and Thurs to try to get more growth in my shoulders (frequency ftw), I was doing 20mins cycling on off days but cut it cause I wasn't putting on weight.

Also not eating ideally but I've started drinking protein shake every day (instead of just w/o days) and generally trying to eat more at every meal. I really should be calorie counting...

Other than not putting on scale weight I've noticed a big difference in physique, and in strength. I used to do 3 or 4 day splits and was plateued for quite a while with strength and growth. I will tweak program next cycle, adding deadlifts and dips. I don't have a cable row machine
Mon/Wed/Fri (sometimes some extra stuff on off-days if there is time, usually arm isos and/or abs)

During 15s and 10s:

'A to G' Squats
Bench alt. with Dips
Chins/pulldowns alt with Rows (occasionally varying grip positions/handles)
Standing Shoulder Press
Standing BB Curls alt with Overhead Tri Extensions

During 5s and Post-5s

'A to G' Squats (Mon/Fri)
Deadlifts (Wed)
Bench alt. with Dips
Chins/pulldowns alt with Rows (occasionally, grip positions/handles varied)
Standing Shoulder Press (push press during post-5s)
Standing BB Curls (Max-Stim style) alt with Overhead Tri Extensions

Negs where possible during post-5s

Edited to add that I do few sets of shrugs with my deadlift weight immediately after them.

I SD for 9 days between cycles.
My actuall routine:

Flat Bench Press
Dead-Lift / Squats
Military Press

I make this every other day, so im in the gym 3 or 4 times per week.
((1st week 1 set 15 reps))
2st+3st week 2 sets 10 reps
4st+5st week 3 sets 5 reps
6st+7st week 3 sets 5 reps, (im extending 5s in week 6+7, and some dropsets will maybe included)

then 7-9 days SD

zig zagging is included, first week i start with 70% of my 10rm.
i normally maximaly train 2 days with the same load. this cycle i have lenghten up the 2 weeks with 10 reps to three weeks...

at the end of the workouts im supersetting scullcrushers and biceps curls sometimes.
for the other exercises im suppersetting sometimes and sometimes not.
my training lasts 45minutes to 1h15minutes.

doing 20-30 minutes cardio 2 times per week on offdays also.
please post how your increments look like or how often you go up with the weight and from what percentages are you starting and how long you are doing your sd.
Personally, I don't SD unless I have joint pain or an injury. I generally only increment about once a week or so during the 5s, with normal progression during the 10s and 5s.
Currently doping this MWF:

Deadlifts / Squats (alternated)
15° B/B benchpress
Chins (underhand close grip)
Seated Cable Rows (Low pulley)
Military press
Abs (personal choice)

30 reps, divide into 15's x 2/ 10's x 3 / 5's x 6

Only this on Tue/Thu, frequency same as above 15/10/5 - 2/3/6

Tabata on cycle (4 minutes as per spec)
Incline Lateral Raises
Incline Curls (D/B) / Cable tricep extension (flat) Supersetting when I use Skullcrushers or Pushdowns instead.

Downfall, not counting calories but trying to keep things as constant as possible, so far no weight gains, but fat to muscle ratio is looking good, currently about 11.5 - 12.5 % BF.
Hammerstrength wide chest press / 10 degree incline dumbell bench
seated rows / chins
standing dumbell press / standing barbell press / side laterals (once every 2 weeks)
Squats / Deadlift
1 set of arm iso with drop set ( if I have time)

and for next 2 months doing 5 sets of weighted abs at beginning of my routine. I am doing this just to bring them up, b/c My bodyfat got real low this summer and they were just OK at best.

Like Fausto said I am struggling with eating enough, and I am eating like crap at the moment (burgers, chicken sandwhichs and french fries all fast food

Reps and set are around 24 to 30 reps per workout give or take.
mon wed fri
just warm up to a single workset.

Squat, Bench, Mil Press, Deadlift, Bent row

The Wed session I do incline benches and trap bar deads instead of the regular versions.

I do a set of 3 reps on Friday, then use that weight to get 4 reps on Monday, 5 on Wed, then put up the weight 2.5 k.

Cardio on Sat and sun, up to an hour jogging.

I have only recently been doing this, previously I did more volume.
I do a AM/PM Split


Squats or Leg Press
Dips or DB Bench Press
Close Grip Palms-up Pulldowns or Barbell Rows


Deadlifts or Shrugs
Military Press or DB Shoulder Press
Calf Raises or Abdominal Pulldowns

I never do more than 3 exercises per workout, and I change each exerise every cycle.

I stick with the dumbells because I can concentrate more on my form and perform negatives.

When the princaple exercises are used together, this is proberly the best workout you will find. There is little, if any, overlapping and it maxamises energy and recovery.
Three times per week:

Incline bench
Military press
Behind back smith shrugs
Close grip bench press

Seated rows
Barbell curls
Leg extensions

The above is considered one workout but the space indicates a possible break for AM/PM or even Day1/Day2 depending on how lazy I feel. I usually don't split until weeks 3, 5 and 6. Hammies, forearms and calves are not specifically addressed as they have grown proportionately without any iso's.

Weeks 1, 2 and 4 are 15, 10,and 5 reps, respectively. Weeks 3 and 5 are with 10 reps and 5 reps, respectively, with one added drop set of equal reps.  
Week 6 is 5 reps with 2 added drop sets of 5 reps each. I do not feel the need to do drops with the iso's.
Currently bulking.

MWF (1x15, 2x10, 3x5):

A: olympic squats, bench, Pendlay rows
B: con. deadlifts, OH press, chins, dips, front squats (3x5 through cycle)

Tue: snatches, power snatches, OH squats (4x3), snatch pulls (3x5)
Thu: clean & jerk, power cleans, clean pulls (3x5)

Post 5's continue with 3x5, neg's with dips, chins and OH press. Progression is 5-10 on upper body, 10-15 for squats & deads. Linear progression with no zig-zag. I also usually extend the 10's for a week or so, as long as I keep progressing. Will cluster reps if I can't make all 3 sets of 5. The goal is to get 15 reps total.

Once progression stops with 3x5 I cut the weight back and run a 5x5. With deadlifts I work up to triples for a few weeks and then a workout or 2 hitting a new 1RM (usually around the time I am getting ready to start doing 5X5).