lifting straps


New Member
i was just wondering if it is bad to be using lifting straps.. i pretty much do only db exercies and i also have an ez curl bar.. for exercies such as squats, shrugs and such, i need to use lifting straps, especially for the higher rep days.. is there something i'd need to do to counter act the assistance they are giving me, or does the rest of the exercies (curls, flies, presses) make up for using straps for some exercies?? thanks
Lifting straps seem sort of dangerous, one time I was doing incline dumbbell presses and i caught a sharp pain in my shoulder and I had to drop the weight immediately, if that thing was strapped to my hand who knows what would have happened. It was a 100 pound dumbbell. Probably would have ripped my shoulder out.
(BigL @ Feb. 01 2007,12:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Lifting straps seem sort of dangerous, one time I was doing incline dumbbell presses and i caught a sharp pain in my shoulder and I had to drop the weight immediately, if that thing was strapped to my hand who knows what would have happened. It was a 100 pound dumbbell. Probably would have ripped my shoulder out.</div>
I certainly don't claim to be an expert on lifting straps, only having used them for a few months now. But, I believe that you're only supposed to use the straps on pulling exercises such as deadlifts, rows, shrugs, pullups, etc. They help to protect and take stress off of the wrists, enabling you to handle greater weight than you could otherwise lift without them.

This is the only way I use them, and I've found them to be very beneficial. For the reason sighted in the quote above, I don't think it's necessary (and could even be dangerous) to use straps on pushing exercises.
Ditto to magicdad

I only use straps for heavy squats. I can see the benefit of using them on shrugs and chins too.
thanks.. just wanted another option to make sure i wasn't taking away from forearm strengh or anything.. like i said i'd only be using them for db squats, shrugs, and deads
(colby2152 @ Feb. 01 2007,14:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I only use deadlifts for heavy squats.</div>
Well, if you do forearm iso's you can use straps all you want in pulling motions. If not, just work as heavy as you can without them and only use them for weights where you really do need them, so your forearms get a workout. That's what I do, and the amount of weight slowly increases, along with my grip strength.
I was really wondering there what these guys were doing with straps on a pressing exersize!
(krenshaw @ Feb. 01 2007,09:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i was just wondering if it is bad to be using lifting straps.. i pretty much do only db exercies and i also have an ez curl bar.. for exercies such as squats, shrugs and such, i need to use lifting straps, especially for the higher rep days.. is there something i'd need to do to counter act the assistance they are giving me, or does the rest of the exercies (curls, flies, presses) make up for using straps for some exercies?? thanks</div>
I have world class grip strength, only because I've made it a big deal in my life and have trained it consistently.  Why ? I have no idea, it's just fun

You might expect someone with a great grip to be anti-straps, but I have sort of come around full circle when it comes to these wonderful tools.  I think every bber should use them as much as possible.  Using straps takes your focus off the grip and allows you to concentrate on your back muscles (or other muscles) more.  I use straps on every pulling exercise I do, even though I don't need them (for anything).  I never use them for flyes, but I would probably use them for curls if I did them.  I just get more out of exercises when I'm using the straps.  If you want to train your grip you can train it very easily at the end of your workouts.
Man, you really DID come around full circle! A good alternative though. I just hate to do iso' for once a week or something like that.
I wonder how far you went with the Captains of Crush? I think you bought the 300 lb. unit last?
I kinda think it's good to use your grip strength to do as much work aas poss as long as it doesn't compromise your lifting. Once you get to heavy loads you will find straps very useful. As Steve said, they allow you to focus on the large muscles being worked rather than on just trying to hang on to the weight.

Personally, I now only use them for deads and shrugs during the heavier parts of the cycle. Grip strength is easy to train just by hanging on to a heavy bar after you've done deads or shrugs.

Make sure the straps are around the tops of your hands and not around your wrists.
(quadancer @ Feb. 01 2007,18:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Man, you really DID come around full circle! A good alternative though. I just hate to do iso' for once a week or something like that.
I wonder how far you went with the Captains of Crush? I think you bought the 300 lb. unit last?</div>
Captains of Crush started making 1/2s now, and I can close the 3 1/2, but I still can't close #4, although I can get damn close. I can close it with the help of a gripper strap.

On the HeavyGrips I can close the #4, but can't get the #5. The HG #5 is ridiculous. I can't even close it with both hands, hurts my palms too much. The handles are the size of some guys' forearms.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Personally, I now only use them for deads and shrugs during the heavier parts of the cycle. </div>
I also use them in my heaviest rows, not because of grip failing or anything, but with these it seems like I need the straps so I can focus on the load more. Oh, and also on heavy weighted pullups for the same reason. But my forearms are 14-1/2&quot; to my 17&quot; uppers, so I don't feel the need for more forearm work.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Make sure the straps are around the tops of your hands and not around your wrists. </div>
I thought this was an odd statement, since I've never seen anyone with them around their hands. Do you mean just favoring the hand side of the wrist joint?
I never use them. That is probably why my forearms are 4&quot; larger than they used to be. Plus I can no longer even come close to encircling my wrist with my fingers. If I used straps, I would probably still have puny little forearms and wrists.
Are you saying that your grip never fails before the working muscles as you get into your highest ranges?
There is NO WAY I could come close to doing my poundages without straps, not ever, IMO.
I don't use them... yet. I imagine some day I might though. Liege is pulling a ton and doesn't need them yet. But I think if I ever get close to my ultimate deadlifting goal, I'll likely need straps by that point.

But anyway, if you need them then use them. Why limit your progress on something like deads just because your grip can't keep up? Seems stupid to me. Obviously your gripping muscles won't gain strength or size as fast as the muscles in the back and legs - so... by refusing to use straps when you need them, you are essentially limiting growth in the larger muscles to something closer to the much slower rate that the gripping muscles would grow?

If you need more size in your forearms, you can work them afterward. Personally, my forearms are already big enough, I'd rather gain more mass in my back or chest instead.
that's funny that everybody that uses them tends to use them on mostly the 5s.. i can do most of my 5s exercises fine w/o them (i do have pretty strong forearms but haven't wanted to strain them while trying to focus on other muscles).. i actually use them mostly for the 10s.. since i am holding the weights longer it is more of a strain on my arms than the 5s which i get done in half the time.. i only use them in the 15s on the last couple workouts because that's when the load gets heavier also..