Living with good and bad days


New Member
For those of you whose strength levels tend to fluctuate due to whatever reason, how do you manage bad days in your workouts?
For example, on a good day I might find benching 5x90kg easy whereas on a bad day I might only barely be able to do 3x90kg. This is not such a big problem if one is doing more traditional routines when there's always a chance to try again next time at the same weight. With HST, however, having a bad day on a max day might distort future cycles by giving a falsely low max on a rep range. So what does everybody do when on that max day suddenly everything feels twice as heavy even though just the day before yesterday you felt like you could have done twice the reps with the previous weight?

i would cluster so if you can only do 3 reps put it down then do another 2..keep the maxes the same next cycle and your strenght should go up ...dont worry to much everyone has weak days it could be stress not enough carbs..just carry on :D
Yeah, just carry on, we all go through that at times, does not mean that you have in fact lost your strength! :D