Load progression during negatives


New Member
How are you supposed to handle load progression during the negatives? Keep increasing the load -- or not? Since the 5's continue for 4 weeks (or 2 weeks of regular load increases & 2 weeks of neg's) it becomes a bit of a problem to keep increasing the load.

I can't lower the starting weight for the 5's either, since they are supposed to be somewhat heavy...

So what's the recommendation? Don't bother with increasing the load, just keep repeating the same weight during the two weeks of negatives? And if not doing neg's, just continuing with the concentric 5's - is there still supposed to be an increase in load?

/ R
You can do a few different things. Some people progress beyond their 5 RM using clustering to maintain a rep count. I have done that before with success. What I do now is use a weight that is roughly around my 2 RM for negatives on the exercises I can do them with, and the ones that I cannot, I continue using my 5 RM. If your strength has increased, you can try incrementing up until you find your new 5 RM too.
How exactly do you mean that people progress beyond their 5 RM? I understand the concept of clustering, but not exactly how to apply it in this particular case. Choosing a heavier weight and doing 2-2-1 in one set?

/ R
Clustering should prob. be renamed to Mini-Sets, just to avoid the "What is..." question :)

Clustering reps means aiming for a rep goal - say 10 reps, using as many mini-sets of whatever number of reps it takes to get there.

You do not go to failure on any of these mini-sets - and DO keep good spacing between the mini-sets to avoid CNS fatigue this way, you are not aiming for a lactic acid build up or pump.

So, your bench 5RM is 100kg.

Using clustering in weeks 7&8, you might aim for ten reps as your count and you'll probably make an increment each WEEK. So 102.5kg for 1st week of post 5s, and 105kg for 2nd week of post 5s.

As far as negatives go, some ppl like to increment based on %, some like to work on their exercise increment.

Prob. only need to increment every second session (or 4th session if doing 6x a week)...reaching 120% of your 1RM or there abouts.

Re: Clustering - Bryan (from what I remember of his posts) isn't a fan of it for HST, but I know there are some on here - Vicious, Lance - who like it a fair bit.

I've tried it, and found better results for my pressing movements than for the pulling ones, and I prob. wouldn't recommend going for a high rep count on squats, deads or clean and press - just due to the inherent CNS drain of these exercises.
Thanks for clarifying, I got it.  Clustering seems like a way to go for me. Since I don't have a regular training partner I can probably use the clustering technique on the lifts where I'm unable to do negatives.
