load question

  • Thread starter imported_diss-e
  • Start date



i have this question.

i just finished my first week of the 15s. And this is my biceps routine for the 15s.

1:4 (2x15)
2:6 (2x15)
3:8 (2x15)
4:8 (2x15)
5:10 (2x15)
6:10 (repmax) (2x15)

Now as you can see i have the same weights. So would it be okay to increase the sets of the weight that is double to 3, because i cant increase weight every workout, but can increase the intensity this way, causing more microtrauma.???


1:4 (2x15)
2:6 (2x15)
3:8 (2x15)
4:8 (3x15)
5:10 (2x15)
6:10 (repmax) (3x15)

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
So how is HST different from other training programs?

This is a very good question and one that deserves to be answered, without simply zealously defending the premise that is being questioned. This makes for a very bad circular argument that can be VERY frustrating for people with skeptical, though honest, questions.

First, let's start with what isn't different about HST compared with previous training programs. The length of this list is what has raised this question in the first place, and justifiably so. Let's begin with the &quot;concepts&quot; and then follow with the &quot;methods&quot;.

Pre-existing Scientific Concepts of Weight Training Found in HST:

• Stimulus Leads to Adaptation (cause and effect)
• Specific Adaptation to Implied Demands (SAID) or simply &quot;Specificity&quot;
• Progressive Resistance
• Some relationship between Time and Tension
• Diminishing Returns

Pre-existing Methods of Weight Training Found in HST:

• Traditional Weight Lifting Movements both compound and isolation (squat, bench, curls, etc)
• Training the whole body 3 times per week
• Altering weight loads used over time
• Altering the number of repetitions used over time
• Doing eccentric reps (negatives)

There has never been a weight training program that did not incorporate or mention most of these Concepts, and at least some of these Methods. Entire books (big books) have been written to explore these concepts and teach these methods. Whenever research was required, like for a textbook, you would find &quot;strength and conditioning&quot; research sited to support the validity of the concepts and virtues of each particular training method. The studies used &quot;strength&quot; and other &quot;performance indicators&quot; as a measure of whether the concept and/or method were valid.

This has been perfectly sufficient for nearly everybody including trainers, teachers, professors, coaches and athletes, who have ever lifted a weight. For those who needed more, they simply explored other methods for steadily increasing body mass - I'm referring specifically to hormones.

The exploration of the hypertrophic effects of hormones began in the 50s and has continued unabated every since. Today, a competitive bodybuilder considers himself conservative if he only uses 1 gram of Testosterone per week. Lest I digress, we are not including the effects of androgens and other drugs in this discussion. That is a different issue with concepts and methods specific to the pharmacology and endocrinology of hormones and muscle tissue.

Now let's consider the concepts and/or principles or beliefs of traditional weight training that HST refutes. These are the concepts that the new research refutes most specifically.

Pre-existing Concepts that HST Refutes:

• A muscle must be fully recovered before you should train it again.
• You should not train a muscle that is sore (DOMS, not injury).
• You must never train a muscle on consecutive days. (i.e. train the same muscle everyday)
• The concept of &quot;Overtraining&quot; in general as it applies to bodybuilding.
• You must train with maximum &quot;intensity&quot; to elicit significant muscle growth.
• You should not use eccentric training on a &quot;frequent&quot; basis.
• You must change your exercise selection regularly in order to &quot;confuse the muscle&quot; into continued growth.
• You must hit a muscle at every angle in order to adequately train it.
• Muscle Fatigue is the primary indicator of having triggered the growth signal
• You must effectively isolate a muscle in order to train it effectively.
• You can train a muscle in such as way as to change its natural shape.

Pre-existing Methods and/or practices that HST Refutes:

• Training a muscle no more than once or twice per week.
• Training less frequently as your &quot;intensity&quot; increases.
• Adding weight only when you can complete a certain number of additional reps at that weight. (This is a fundamental difference!;)
• Training to failure every set and/or workout (If you don't how would you know if you can perform additional reps at that weight yet?)
• Forced reps
• Performing several &quot;obligatory&quot; exercises per body part per workout
• Performing multiple exhaustive sets per exercise
• Changing exercises to &quot;confuse&quot; the muscle. </div>

Progression is needed,even though the progression of weight is small.

the minimum weight i can gain is 2 kg and i have done that. There are 4 increments, which i had to spread out on 6 workouts.

So is it okay the way i did that??

Here's a better set-up for what you are trying to do, assuming you can't use single kg increments:

1:6 (2x15)
2:6 (2x15)
3:8 (2x15)
4:8 (2x15)
5:10 (2x15RM)
6:10 (2x15RM)

Ideally you want to start each rep range between about 65/75% of your RM. Don't get hung up on the detail though. The point of the 15s is to prep your joints for heavier loads. You want to get a good burn going. So when the loads are lighter during the first week do a few more reps if that's what it takes.

Depending on how many exercises you are doing, 30 reps may be rather unnecessary at this stage in the cycle. It's also unlikely (although not impossible) that you will get 30 reps in two sets with your 15RM loads. Just do 15 for the first set and then stop shy of failure on the second.