Look What I've Found


New Member
Its long, if you want to skip just to see results read at the *stars*

Ok well when I first came on this forum and started HST, I said I would post results after my third cycle (if anyone remembers/cares haha).

My first cycle, ended mid through 5's because of a violent case of food poisoning, and my second cycle went smooth. My third cycle that I finished today I added iso's inbetween HST days like Colby and Faso had suggested and today I did 3 rep max set then halved the weight and did 20 reps and im done.

So every summer, I use a smith machine to bench (shoulder injury doesnt allow me to use barbell) and when I go to college I use dumbbells (i can stablize separately, not together like a bar). Also so I work the slightly different parts equally. Anyway, here are the results.

***Keep in mind, i'm 19, 140-150 pounds, and 5"6'-5"7' so not a very big guy at all. I only talk muscle milk and pre-load creatine as well.
Last years bench press max was 235. This year is 250.
Squats were 135, now 275!
Mil press was 135, now 175.
Incl bench was 155, now 205.
The interesting thing is HST is supposed to add 5 pounds about per cycle, and my bench press really did go up 5 pounds per cycle!

Many other exercises also grew in weight as well. The only thing that has not change, was leg press because I do a heavy amount that really changes on the day (max is over 900) because I have been a catcher for more then ten years almost and have grown quads after squating 4 or 5 hours a day catching; even when little thats all I did! The only reason my squats were so weak was because of my bad back but after slowly rehabing my back with extensions and stiff leg deadlifts, i'm able to tolerate squats safely.

***Physically, my calves and quads have exploded. My triceps went from a decent bump, to almost a horseshoe. My shoulders now show a cut in the arm and my lats are much bigger. My chest is also larger, since this is the first year I am not playing ball I can get a chest without having to worry about flexibilty. However it is still not where I would like it obvisouly but its a good start. The only thing that did not grow was my biceps. They stayed the same or a little toner but not bigger.

Overall i'm excited and happy about these results.
There is nothing more impressive than the triceps horseshoe...maybe superior traps. Get them both and you got it made.
Great results cnegotiator!!!! Good on you. Keep at it -- it is a marathon not a sprint. The Biceps will pop. in due time.
