Losing body fat?? I read the FAQ and have one ??


New Member
I want to lose body fat. Should I lift 3 times a week or 6?? And if I go 6 I do the same workout six day in a row?? Thanks!
If you have time to do more than 3 times a week, then go ahead. The most important thing will be to make sure you are keeping your diet in check, because otherwise you may have disappointing results.
You can do the same routine each day, or you can alternate. A lot of guys like to alternate, it may be something to look into. For instance, one day you could do squats, bentover rows, incline bench, military press then the next day do deadlifts, weighted chins, weighted dips and dumbbell press. If you do decide to workout 6 days a week, you probably only need to do 1 set of each exercise.

Just remember - when you are cutting, it is better to cut back on volume rather than frequency. Frequency is definitely your friend when you are on a cut.
What Tot said...make sure you volume is in check.

Or you could keep the protein real high..and do a upper, lower for 6 days a week.

Either way I would keep my frequency as high as possible for cutting!
I've been doing a cut and training 6x a week MWF HST and TuThSa I do olympic lifting. I've gained 5 pounds in 6 weeks. And this time I've counted calories.
do all of you mean working on the same muscles in 6 days a week ??...... is it correct ??...... aren't the muscles supposed to rest between 36 and 48 hours ??.... or am I being to theoretical ??

You can work muscles 6x/week and still grow, it requiers a fine balance and a small workout daily.

Your food intake has to be good too! But there are a few guys here who have done it and got good results!
Remember, when you are cutting, you aren't looking for gains so much as you are looking to maintain what you have, so doing more work isn't a problem as long as you can handle it. I find people often need to keep calories at maintenance when they do 6 times a week, however, or they can't handle all the extra work. Obviously all that extra work creates a large calorie deficit... and since it is better to create a calorie deficit through work rather than diet, it can help you spare more lean mass than you would otherwise.
Of course if you can make strength gains at the same time, then that is great. But like Fausto said, it takes some planning. You don't want a big workout. I would stick to four to six lifts and only do one or two sets for each. The extra frequency will make up for the low volume.

For an even bigger boost, you can try an AM/PM split, done six or seven days a week. With that, you would want probably four lifts, one set each for each workout, possibly alternating exercises as well.