losing results...HELP!


New Member
i started HST in September 06...since then i have gained almost 20 lbs....i gained it fast....but in the last month i havent gained much....i finished the 6 week cycle..and i am supposed to increase the weight by like 10 lbs to each of my maxes before i start the second cycle right?? well i did that...but im not strong enough to get that much weight....my shoulder has been given me problems and i have trouble doing chest press and some back exercises due to my shoulder....and another thing my damn legs have barely grown at all...even tho im 20 lbs heavier......so lately ive been screwing around in the gym...kind of clueless....i just didnt gain much strength on HST enough to increase the weight in my 2nd cycle.........here was my routine

A. incline DB press, flys, shoulder press, rear delt flys, shrugs, Lat pulldowns, bent over rows, EZ bar curls, tricep kickbacks...this was done 3 times week

B. Squats , leg curls, leg press ....3 times a week as well

if anyone has any advice please help me........and any diet plans or what not too.....i am trying to gain about 10 more lbs.....i eat pretty much clean food..all day.......but i really need about 10 more lbs so ill be good for a bodybuilding show............and i really need help in the leg area
If you've gained that much weight so fast perhaps you were somewhat underweight to begin with. If you allowed yourself to eat more than before (whilst starting your hst) then your body perhaps would be keen to gain the weight back (or move towards the weight your body 'wants' to be at).
20 pounds gain is very good, nice one. I experienced gains in lean mass of 1lb a week the first time round but that was switching from a heavy cardio load and only balance type resistance exercises to a gain-aimed hst. (Also from an underweight physique). My gains have also slowed too.
That is, i think, quite normal. Otherwise there'd be no need for steroids anymore. Everyone would just use HST.

The idea of stategic conditioning is to somewhat de-condition your muscles again so that you don't have to lift particularly heavier weights to give the muscle enough stimulation to grow. If you can't handle the weight then it's too heavy. Don't worry. Your sd is probably working for you.
Just adjust the weights so that at the end of each rep cycle you're lifting your max for that rep range.
I've been able to increase my weights but then i've strength trained a lot in the past and stopped doing sd. Now i'm closing on the weights i used to lift and i don't seem to be gaining anymore. So sticking with the hst as intended (with sd and not increasing weights if it's too heavy) is probably the next step. Don't worry that you can't lift heavier. I see one of the big advantages of HST is to avoid injuries.
If your shoulder hurts then perhaps it's the result of trying to lifts too heavy a weight and straining.

Take it easy. Hopefully one of the hST admin will be able to help you further. Good luck with the rest of your training.
Lifting experience?what's your stat?Bf?
Newbie normally could experience sudden weight gains.After that,the gain would be slow.Any "radical" attempts may cause more gain in fat and water compared to mass.Besides, you would lose potential mass earned during the bulking phase because dieting normally causes muscle loss.Of course, there are many factors,such as genetic.
If you preparing for a show in few months time and you are bulking, you may have problem.
If you don't have deadlift in your plan,perhaps you may want to consider it for now.
As long as you progressively load,you would be fine.

If you are not planning to compete but to be have the size to compete in a competition,concerntrate on the compound movements for now.Drop the isolations or retain one or two isolations.I have been in your position adding too many isolations.

Workout 1
Incline press
Lat pulldown
Shoulder press
Tricep kickbacks

Workout 2
Deadlift(replace with straight leg deadlift,if hamstring is lagging because it stresses hamstring more.)
Shoulder press
EZ bb curls

Then you would be doing these workout alternately for 3 times a week.Credit to Fautso for his "simplify and win" method
well i have been lifting for about 4 or 5 years now...have gained 50 lbs since i started lifting.....by body fat was 7% this past summer but since ive been bulking it is now 13.5%.......im just stuck ...i havent lost weight but i feel ive lost muscle......
R4 said it pretty well. I don't like kickbacks myself; I'd use something more like a pressing movement. Other than that, if you don't want to do an AB routine, a single routine 3x/wk with alternating bench/dips and squats/deads is the best ticket IMO.

Keeping the iso's down and the compounds as your core makes a difference for mass. I've only recently fully learned this and cut down on the amount of exersizes.
Listen to the guys who've already posted, drop the iso's and start deadlifting. Also you're not eating enough. I did the same thing, I gained weight and did not adjust my calories.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">A. incline DB press, flys, shoulder press, rear delt flys, shrugs, Lat pulldowns, bent over rows, EZ bar curls, tricep kickbacks...this was done 3 times week

B. Squats , leg curls, leg press ....3 times a week as well</div>

As liege put it you're wasting strength with all the isos and not doing enough mass building exercises.

Rather do this:

A: Squats/Incline (very slight like 15 degrees max) bench press/Chin-ups/Military press/Superset incline curls and skullcrushers

B: Deadlifts/Dips (for chest - chin on chest incline body forward)/Bent over rows/Superset d/b lateral raises + Rear raises/Superset Preacher curls and Tricep pushdowns.

That way you gert to keep some isos.

And...if you have picked up weight, you need to eat more than you were eating before.
Agree with the others,you need a &quot;basic-shocker&quot;

I would reduce the amount of excerices even more and do one plain and straight basicroutine:

Deads alt. with squats

3times a week

that is what helped me so much after I stucked because of all the isos i used to perform

the more basic,the simpler,the better!
