Losing weight too fast?


New Member
I reached 185 at the end of my 4th cycle and decided I wanted to cut some of this fat off my stomach and under my chin. (I was hitting around 36" on the waist after eating and pants were getting tight)

So I decided to keep the same frequency, volume, and weights I was doing in the 4th cycle for the 5th cycle. I also removed one meal from my off days (approx. 500 calories) on M,W,F,S. I kept my meals the same for workout days.

Well I lost 10 lbs the first week and an inch off my stomach. I'm sort of alarmed though because isn't 10lbs a lot to lose in one week?

I didn't think minusing one meal 4 days a week would have such an effect. I mean it took me 2 months to put on 10lbs and I lose it in a week. Something doesn't seem right.

I just wanted to get some input on this. Thanks
The first week you will always lose a disproportionate amount of weight, mostly due to water and glycogen loss. Just wait another couple weeks and see what happens then. If you do continue to lose weight very quickly, you could try adding back in that meal, and just either adding more weight training sessions on your off days, or adding in enough cardio to burn 500 or so calories each day.