Low carb + HST = great fat loss

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I started low carb on December 25th 2007.

I weighed in between 217-220 lbs.

today I am 192.

let me make this clear.....I am a single 25 year old male....and if it wasnt for my going out and drinking no carb liqour...I would probably be around 185 by now.

regardless......I have found that this combination has been dynamite for me.

another thing that helps with this is the fact that alcohal doesnt cause an insulin response and is turned into ketones like fat....therefore doesnt kick me out of ketosis...just stalls it for a small time frame.

Ive also noticed..even eating 20-30 carbs per day for 2 months...with the hst principles my STRENGH AND SIZE HAS GONE UP...

size hasnt gone up near as much as strengh probably because of the massive caloric deficit ketosis brings on the body.

another reason my weight has dropped 20 lbs+ and not more like a low carb diet for 2 months should bring is the massive gain in LBM....I can say without a doubt my legs have gotten much larger....I am almost seeing a cut on my quads.

yes....I wish I didnt go out as much as I do...and to really get "ripped" for summer I am going to have to cut the alcohol down....

I just wanted to say HST is just amazing...i dont remember how i found this place...but I will be grateful for life.

I also start my workouts with legs....because it gets my heart rate up and im pumped for the rest of the upper body.

I love the time the worksouts take..I love not being sore but growing and getting stronger.

that was me 3 days ago:


that was me 40 days ago:

Congrats friz! No matter what though, with such a large amount of weight lost in that time, I bet you lost muscle. However, muscle memory is on your side!
I'm on the low carb diet now and trust me, you dont get lbm while eating 50 grams of carbs a day. You even lose some.
well if Ive lost muscle..my strengh has gone up drastically.

I dont neccesarily agree with you though
(frivolousz21 @ Feb. 29 2008,13:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I wish I didnt go out as much as I do...and to really get &quot;ripped&quot; for summer I am going to have to cut the alcohol down....</div>
You wish you didn't go out as much as you do...?

You're going to have to cut the alcohol down...?

Be careful! Alcohol can serve as an addicting drug for a significant portion of the population. Remarks like yours tend to be warning signs of impending alcohol problems. You may want to take some action immediately to get a handle on your drinking.

Try AA; it works. I've been stone cold sober for nearly 20 years; it works.
i dont know about the AA thing.........maybe its a concern and maybe its that your a normal 20yr old. certainly not for me to say.

1st off congrats on the wgt loss. nice accomplishment.
20-30g of carbs per day is pretty small. id be pretty surprised if you could pull off lbm gains with that and a serious cal deficit. if you have the measurements to &quot;prove&quot; it then OK but if not then its probably just you looking/feeling bigger..........which is pretty good in itself.

strength going up during a cut is great. it can all be relative to where you started (if new to training or not) but the important thing ,imo, is you cant change where you start from.......only where your going......which you did.

keep working hard and reading up and realize the lower the bf gets the slower the progress.

again, nice work and good luck
TR, relax - he is young. Most of the vets here can remember how my life was just a couple years ago. I was working out, dieting, and then boozing hard (up to 40 drinks a night) like a rock star. I'm actually glad that phase is behind me. My mind and body are so much more healthy!
(frivolousz21 @ Feb. 29 2008,15:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">well if Ive lost muscle..my strengh has gone up drastically.

I dont neccesarily agree with you though</div>
Strength has gone up - possible
LBM gone up - impossible
(colby2152 @ Feb. 29 2008,23:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> I was working out, dieting, and then boozing hard (up to 40 drinks a night) like a rock star.  I'm actually glad that phase is behind me.  My mind and body are so much more healthy!</div>
40 drinks per night! Holy moly! I'm surprised you're still alive.    

Personally I think &quot;alcoholism&quot; is an overused word. However, I can attest to the fact that I never made any significant gains until I quit heavy boozing. Excessive alcohol and gaining lbm are not good bed mates.

On the other hand, the absolute hands down best thing I ever did for my overall health was to quit smoking. And I don't believe there is such a thing as smoking in moderation. One is indeed too many.  Even though I have a very much less chance of getting cancer than a person still smoking, I can never do better than getting down to a chance equal to about three times that of a person who never smoked. That sucks!   
thanks for all the replys....

I am just refering to going out to bars and clubs with friends and drinking there.

I am going to cut down on that... because it is affecting my gains and quite frankly I am not getting out of it what I want anyways
Its impossible to go out without drinking. The house music makes you wanna drink till you die. But 40 drinks? sounds crazy. After 5 drinks of vodka + redball i cant even stand.
Yeah Friv...good gains indeed.

I agree with O &amp; G, quitting smokintg was teh best thing I ever did, alcohol too, nowadays I wil have a max of tow to three beers and that is it, and not regularly.

If you want steady gains quite the booze, booze + training = -ve gains, if you gain any it'll be ib the beggining, but you'll hit the wall fater and stay there.

Cool the booze, stick to only now and then or not at all! Serious!