Lower back pain


Active Member
Hey guys.

Lately I have been having some lower back pain.

I first noticed it when I was helping wash the dishes in the kitchen sink.

I would bend slightly forward and my lower back would hurt.

Then I started and 8 week abs routine here at home and after about 1 week my lower back was really aggravated.

I quit the routine and it got better....since it was better I started doing some bodyweight only hyperextentions for my lower back thinking I could strengthen it up and the pain would go away...but just it hasn't.

Now any standing presses or any movement in general tends to leave me with a slight dull or ach in my lower back?

How do I get ride of this?

Obviously I think my core is weak?

Any suggestions?
I have the same problem, except I hurt mine doing rows. I've had to stop back exercises for a while. It got better and then I hurt it again... not sure what is going on. Went to the doctor and they gave me anti-inflamatory pills and muscle relaxers.. boy, those things knock me out.. I guess we both need rest and let it heal.
(Joe.Muscle @ Apr. 07 2008,12:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hey guys.

Lately I have been having some lower back pain.

I first noticed it when I was helping wash the dishes in the kitchen sink.

I would bend slightly forward and my lower back would hurt.

Then I started and 8 week abs routine here at home and after about 1 week my lower back was really aggravated.

I quit the routine and it got better....since it was better I started doing some bodyweight only hyperextentions for my lower back thinking I could strengthen it up and the pain would go away...but just it hasn't.

Now any standing presses or any movement in general tends to leave me with a slight dull or ach in my lower back?

How do I get ride of this?

Obviously I think my core is weak?

Any suggestions?</div>
i have a severe muscular injury to my lower back at the moment. very similar actions to what you have discribed bring it on more. for a start cleaning your teeth while leaning forward,doing the pots and certain ab exercises will aggrevate it.

it sounds muscular to me, if it were a disc you should have other sysmtoms as well, such as shooting pains down your legs, numbness among other s. best to go to the docs or a physio to be sure.

im on anti inflammatories at the moment ,they should work really well in your case.

try to avoid any exercises that aggrevates it and get your lass to do the dishes lol.
After 30 years of a hot knife twisting in my lower back, I was relieved by the mental and physical aspects of Dr. Sarno's recommendations, and now do squats and deads fearlessly. But...doing dishes or any steady bent-over stasis causes the erectors to lock up and hurt. The secret is to keep moving, and not be static. Stronger abs WILL help to some degree, but it seems as though the erectors are an animal of their own.
Several have posted that erector exersizes such as hypers or GM's have helped them; I'm thinking of doing some myself.