Lower body strength


New Member

I was wondering if I could do HST for my upper body and a strength program for my legs...and if I did that, would it hinder my results from HST.

Why do this? What are your goals? HST will make you stronger as your muscles get bigger. If your goal is simply functional strength for a sport or something, then do a whole body strength routine. If your goal is to put on some muscle and get stronger overall then do a full body HST routine. I don't see why you would split your training style by upper/lower body.

To sum up, HST will make you stronger everywhere, so you should probably just do full body HST. If you have a peculiar situation, then post how experienced you are with training and your specific personal training goals for better advice.
hey, thanks for the reply...i just wanted to know because my friend keeps arguing about this...thats all. thanks again
Terribly silly that friend of yours! And not sio knowladgeable either, does he do HST?

Sci muscle is right either one or the other, remember HST was built from quite a bit of strength training research, there are componenets in it that are pure strength based, but it is such a good program because it takes you through various rep ranges whilst keeping progression.

If you can handle it go as heavy as possible for your legs, you will get your strength...and seriously...telll your friend to do some reading...and learning while he is at it!
he keeps telling me how doing 15s and 10s won't do anything for strength because you don't go as heavy as possible...and no, he does not do HST because he thinks he will be a big weakling. lol. what a moron, i gotta stop hanging out with him...

thanks for the comments
My legs in particular have done rather well on a diet of HST. My squat has gone from 225lbs for 5RM to 320lbs in 9 months. Some folks here have found that doing even higher reps than 15s has still elicited hypertrophy. It's down to your muscle composition. The good thing with HST is that you hit all rep ranges including the heavy stuff that your friend favours. He should definitely give it a try. 15RMs are pretty darn hard though and not to be sniffed at.
HST is designed to be an overall program. The 15's help the connective tissues and joints. The 10's are mainly hypertrophic. The 5's are very strength oriented but very hypertrophic too, especially for the more advanced lifter. You can manipulate the rep schemes to concentrate on what you have for a goal. You can't have strength without some size and you cannot have size without some strength. In any case, you don't want strength or size if you are too dibilitated to fluidly move your limbs without being in pain. Just go to any power lifting competition and see how SOME of these guys have to walk to avoid pain. They could teach crabs how to walk. Plus, I have never seen a very muscular person who was not strong, despite what some people may espouse. If someone disagrees with me, they should just go up to Bryan Haycock and call him a weak pansy and report back to me. I accept collect calls from most medical hospitals.    