Lower body


New Member
Hi guys,
I finished my 1 cycle HST and now I’m in the SD week and before starting the 2<SUP>nd</SUP> cycle I have a question. I have trouble to make my legs grow (thighs and hamstrings). I don’t know why but it’s frustrating.
I did squat (2 x 15’s ; 3 x 10’s ; 6 x 5’s) and leg curl (2 x 15’s ; 3 x 10’s ; 6 x 5’s) both with increasing weight every workout but with almost no results. I maintained the same volume (as you can see above) in the 15, 10 and 5 but I was unable to put mass on legs. Do you have advice for next cycle please? Instead of leg curl I would like to try with Stiffed dead lift.<O:p</O:p
I recommend squat/leg curl alternated with deadlift/leg press. So one workout you will do squats and leg curls (you can sub romanian deadlifts or stiff legs, but I prefer leg curl since you are deadlifting the other day) then on the other workout deadlifts and leg press.