lowering volume even more but increasing frequency


New Member
did bryan ever give reason why we shouldn't lower volume even more and workout every day?

I guess he indirectly gave reason when he mentioned that protein synthesis stops after 36/48 hours, meaning working out every 24 hours isnt necessary.

But intuition (and theres no research behind this) kinda leads me to believe that protein synthesis is greater/faster in the first 24 hours after a workout than in the second 24 hours after the workout.

What problems do you guys foresee in doing a workout program that does 1 set per body part during the higher rep cycles and 2 sets per body part on the lower rep cycles, and working out 6 days a week (mon-saturday, rest sunday)? I would do 12/10/8/5 rep cycles, meaning it would be 4 weeks of lifting, and then do a 6 or 7 day SD instead of the usual 9-14.

Would this be too taxing on the CNS or something bad like that?