Lunges or leg extensions/curl?


New Member
i was wondering whether people think lunges are better for quad developement than leg extensions/curls.
quad AND ham development i would probably say yes. (ext. hitting quad, curl hitting ham while lunge hits both.)

i have limited exper. with lunges (pre hst) and used to do them in conjunction w/squats. takes a little while to get effective form down and then the wgts can start to go up. personally felt it much more in my glutes and hams then i ever did in quads but that could just be me. 1 fellow at the gym presently does nothing but heavy (relative) lunges for quads (135 and up) and seems to be making nice progress so....

obviously lunges fall somewhere below squats and leg press (maybe even hack) for just quad development (but above ext.) but they certainly have their place. what did you have in mind?
Lunges are hard to do with a heavy weight, what's wrong with good old squats for the quads? 45 degree leg press ain't bad either.
right now im doing squats,leg press and lunges,but i wanted to hit the quads harder
but where i train at the moment,im i was looking for another good quad builder.
Two different ways to hit quads harder without leg extensions....
1)elevate the heel in squats (I know you (icars) already do this I think).
2)do parallel squats instead of ATG and use heavier loads.

Or doing leg press, keep the feet close together and as far 'down' as possible on the pushplate to put more stress on quads and less on hams/glutes.

Of course, as everyone knows, putting more stress on quads means putting more stress on the patellar tendon, so lift in a controlled manner, no jerking motion or you may strain your knee tendons.
(scientific muscle @ Oct. 06 2006,17:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Two different ways to hit quads harder without leg extensions....
1)elevate the heel in squats (I know you (icars) already do this I think).
2)do parallel squats instead of ATG and use heavier loads.

Or doing leg press, keep the feet close together and as far 'down' as possible on the pushplate to put more stress on quads and less on hams/glutes.

Of course, as everyone knows, putting more stress on quads means putting more stress on the patellar tendon, so lift in a controlled manner, no jerking motion or you may strain your knee tendons.</div>
ive found raising the heals hits my quads and calves harder,and ive been doing parrallel for a while so it seems i have it covered,but my legs are my main concern
may have to change gyms

i alternate between wide stance and narrow on squats so lets just see what happens.and i dont really like hack squats but might try them also.
Icars: Obviously, there's a reason why you want to hit your quads harder than you do already. And squats are clearly not hitting the spot for you which is surprising to me. Have you always felt that your quads were lacking or is it that quad development has slowed down compared with the rest of your legs?

The only other thing I can think of which focuses stress on the quads is Sissy Squating done in a hack machine. Evil, evil exercise! I don't know about the pros and cons of these with respect to knee health though.
Keep squatting Icars..nothing beats it.
Maybe you just need to out more weight on the bar! If you are squatting 400 lb.s for your 5 rm and still don't like your quads then you can complain.