mass gain HST routine


New Member
Hi guys,
I've just started the following routine:

Incline Benchpress
Military Press
DB curls
Lying Tricep Extensions

Isn't it a bit too short? Especially in the 15s? It takes me less than 30 minutes in the 15s ...

Your suggestions?
Should I add some exercises?
Nope it is perfect!

Slow down your reps in the 15's to make it a bit more difficult, you'll find it perfect when youget to 5's!
Chin ups and pull ups are far superior to rows for lat development, in my opinion. There have probably been some studies done but I have not seen them.
If you alternate squats with deadlifts you will give the rest of your back plenty to think about. If you haven't done deads before, get someone to check your form before you go heavy. I have seen some guys starting out with deads recently who were asking for trouble - terrible form but the weight was light so no harm done. Get your form right and deads will reward you with lots of back thickness among other improvements, as they stress pretty much your entire body.

Once you get into the 5s deads can be very demanding so once is week is fine. You could squat on Monday and Friday and deadlift on Wednesday.

An alternative to deads is SLDLs. You could do these right after squats. If done standing on the floor and then lowering the bar until the weights touch the ground you will still have a good ROM and your hammies and back will get a good workout. You won't be able to use as much weight as with normal deads but with practice the poundages you use should match, if not exceed your squat poundages.
(Old and Grey @ Jul. 23 2006,20:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Chin ups and pull ups are far superior to rows for lat development, in my opinion. There have probably been some studies done but I have not seen them.</div>
I've always used rows for mid-back development, not for lats, except when doing bent-over rows, which are just a weak form of pullup, right? And as I've said before, after doing years of wide-grip work, I switched to narrow grip pullups and chins and exploded!

Oh, and nice pic of you there, OG!
I do not believe you can get complete back development from just rows or chins. I firmly believe you need both.
FWIW, I do feel my lats worked from rows. But they don't seem to grow much unless I add in chins. I think form on rows effects it a lot. Using an overhanded grip seems to be inferior. You should use an underhanded grip. Also, I find it helps a lot more to keep the upper body as close to 90 degrees as possible.
im using both exercises too ! and with close underhand grip when im making chins.
and the rows i made with one &quot;little&quot; barbell (not with a long barbell)

hey totentanz, do you prefer close or wide underhand grip ?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I do not believe you can get complete back development from just rows or chins. I firmly believe you need both.</div>

Agree with To 100%, use both as they are different, thus hitting different areas of the back and lats.