Max increases after a full HST cycle?


New Member
As a fairly intermediate weight lifter I've decided to go ahead and give HST a try. I'll be heading to the gym later today to start finding my 15RMs, Wed I'll find my 10RMs, etc.

I'm curious, how much do you increase your maxes prior to starting your second full cycle of HST? I've read various articles (, etc.) and the official article states:

For the second cycle simply add 5-10 pounds to all lifts.

I would imagine re-testing for them would be the best way to maximize a cycle, but I'm just curious as to what you guys have been doing.

That's not bad advice really. As you can push for new 5RMs during the post-5s in all exercises you tend to find out then just how much you have improved. It really depends very much on the individual and whether you are trying to bulk or cut.

I reckon on doing 5 cycles a year. That means that for all my big lifts I expect to add 50lbs or more. However, this year, as an example, my deadlift has gone from 300lbs to over 400, squat has gone from 235 to 330lbs, bench 195 to 250lbs, all for 5 reps.

I'm not expecting the same this year but if I can gain 50lbs on squats and deads and at least 25 lbs on bench I'll be happy enough. Then it'll be time to lean up a bit!
id read the results thread at the top of the page (important topics)
5-10 lbs is probably a minimum for most but in the thread youll see a good spread depending on exper level. once you finish a cycle you probably wont need to retest your maxes (if you took any kind of notes or have a good memory). youll have a pretty good idea of how the wgts felt and how much your improving.

good luck
(Lol @ Oct. 09 2006,16:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That's not bad advice really. As you can push for new 5RMs during the post-5s in all exercises you tend to find out then just how much you have improved. It really depends very much on the individual and whether you are trying to bulk or cut.

I reckon on doing 5 cycles a year. That means that for all my big lifts I expect to add 50lbs or more. However, this year, as an example, my deadlift has gone from 300lbs to over 400, squat has gone from 235 to 330lbs, bench 195 to 250lbs, all for 5 reps.

I'm not expecting the same this year but if I can gain 50lbs on squats and deads and at least 25 lbs on bench I'll be happy enough. Then it'll be time to lean up a bit!
Wow, that's really impressive. I think I will have go ahead and try doing HST for awhile.

Did you spend a week initially finding your RMs for 15, 10, and 5 - or did you just estimate then and go right into the workout?
(orgcaptainnemo @ Oct. 09 2006,16:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Did you spend a week initially finding your RMs for 15, 10, and 5 - or did you just estimate then and go right into the workout?</div>
you could just estimate tonight before you go to the gym. then try a couple sets in few diff. exer at those various rep ranges and see how close you are.

chances are if your an interm. lifter youve got a pretty good idea of what you can put up and fatigue factors etc. then if you need it you can get started on SD right away which gets you that much closer to actual lifting. and yes i do recomm. SD if you havent taken a break from the gym in a while even if you werent doing hst.

noooo. disassemble.
I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep adding weight every week. What's important is progressive load over time. I estimate my lifts for the 15's and just increase the weight every workout - squats/deadlfts 5-15, upper body 2.5-10. The increase depends on how I'm lifting and each rep range varies in length. Although the 5's should be 3 months this time.
When I first started HST I had a pretty good idea what my 10RMs were but not my 5RMs or 15RMs. I estimated them all so I wouldn't waste too much time and energy in the gym and then spent a week of workouts finding what they really were: Mon - 15s, Wed - 10s, Fri - 5s. I think it was really worthwhile doing this plus they were great workout too. Then I SDed for 9 days before starting my first cycle.